How do you get the smell of vomit out of hair?!

Tea tree shampoo, it works for me ;0)

Other Answers:
Wash your hair.just sponging it off doesn't work.
wash your hair
A good washing!
lemon juice
Buy 5 shampoos and use them all at once ten times.
if youve already washed it with shamoo.. try to rinse you have with tomatoe juice ( my uncle used tomatoe juice when he was sprayed by a skunk an dthat got rid of it. should work for vomit too
wash, rinse, repeat.
wash your hair 4 times with really strong smelling shampoo.or cut your hair off.
Are you stupid or what? Wash your nasty a$$ hair! Use shampoo & conditioner. If you still smell the vomit then you did not wash well and need to wash it again. Repeat process until hair is clean and smells fresh.
Common Sense
becides the obviouse shower and shampoo, when you get into the shower or in the sink where ever your washing your hair, you should use vinegar first, get your hair wet then fill the sink with water and then put lots of vinegar in the water and then put your head in the water up to your forehead and let it stay in there for like ten minutes then let the water out and wash your hair with dish soap and then wash with regular shampoo and conditioner to get your hair soft again. it realy doest work, dont ask me why cause i wont
Try soda bicarbonate: mix a couple of teaspoonfulls with half a cup of water.
Put this on your hair, leave it a minute, wash it off.
After that you can shampoo as normal.

Works great for spilt milk in cars too!

(It's the acid that makes it smell bad. The soda bicarb neutralises the acid.)

My avatar shows the effect this had on me :)


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