when we have an itch why do we feel the need to scratch to relieve the feeling?!

I believe that itching was one of man's first defense mechanisms. Picture him creeping through the bush, looking for food, a leaf falls on him. He pays no attention. A spider drops from a branch onto his head and crawls down his neck. It pauses there and the man brushes it off because its irritating his skin. He is surprised to find that its a deadly tarantula, not another leaf. The next time a leaf lands on him, he slaps it off and scratches the place where it landed to get rid of the creepy feeling that there's still a spider somewhere. And so it goes. Usually an itch is nothing more than a drop of water drying or a bit of sand or other irritant on our skin. The itch that accompanies it is the warning sensors in our brain telling us that the enemy has landed. Scratching it is our body's way of letting the brain know that the message has been received and heeded.

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