I have Vitlgo.Is there a cure?Please help.I have had for 3 years.?!

I have it too, but it only shows when I have a tan. I saw a negro once with it. They looked like a pinto person. I have read that it is linked with an underactive thyroid. If you have symptoms of slow thyroid, you need to have it checked.

Other Answers:
Do you mean virtigo?

If vitiligo is what you meant..
Vitiligo is a dermatological condition characterized by white patches of skin due to the destruction of melanocytes (the cells that make pigment). This can vary from one or two spots to large areas of depigmentation. Vitiligo is not contagious. It occurs more often among people who have certain autoimmune diseases. For some people, although not for everyone, the depigmentation is progressive.

There is no cure. There are treatment options:

Medical Therapies include:
Topical steroid therapy
Topical psoralen photochemotherapy
Oral psoralen photochemotherapy

Surgical Therapies include:
Skin grafts from a person's own tissues
Skin grafts using blisters
Micropigmentation (tattooing)
Autologous melanocyte transplants

Adjunctive Therapies include:
Counseling and support
I'm an R.N.


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