if given a choice,which disease u want to remove from earth?!

Autoimmunity. I know most people would probably say cancer or AIDS, but the thing is, cancer is often terminal - suffering ends. People with autoimmune conditions can suffer for years, decades, even their entire lives.. And more people have autoimmune disease of one form or another than anything else. Plus by being able to cure autoimmune diseases, it would put us a long way ahead of the game in finding cures for a lot of other conditions, including cancer.

Other Answers:
cancer because my daughter died from it
Cancer - of all types. It strikes anyone - young or old and doesn't descriminate by age, religion, gender. Its THE most devistating illness on the planet that I can think of.
stupidity and/or ignorance.
if we could get rid of those then the world would be a MUCH better place!
all cancer!
I would agree with cancer. It takes so many lives and there is little one can do to avoid it.

The only down side is that then my father would be out of a job. Although I don't think he would mind given the circumstances.
Cancer because it's not something you can prevent like AIDS
Hepatitis C - it's fast becoming the biggest killer on our earth.
diabetes since I have had it for 50 years
Obsession with Sex, because with that comes a lot of disease that wouldn't be consuming the world if more people didn't think that sex was a game, there wouldn't be so many people dying, fetuses being aborted,etc..
Cancer. My dad died from cancer.)(
earth has only one disease to be removed from - that is man. you decide whether i would still be given the chance.
HIV because there is no cure!
cancer. my grandfather died of it as it spread slowly from organ to organ. i watched him die. cancer is a theif.
Aids/hiv! and diabetes


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