A girl and her twin wants to fight me because i sat to the back of the bus so wh!

Question: i do not know what to do
Fighting is so juvenile. Unless you have designated seating on your bus, I believe you can sit wherever you want. If it becomes a problem, let the bus driver know of the situation. They have the authority to tell the "twins" they can't ride the bus for a while. Good luck! (Besides, you don't want to be kicked off the bus for fighting, right?)

Other Answers:
No, you do NOT fight them. Fighting is idiotic. Defend yourself when the time comes, but stay away from them. You'll be a better person for it. Never let someone bring you down to their level. Bring them up to yours.
i've been their millions of times. ppl like that really piss me the **** off so i express my anger and annoyance to them it usually ends up only as a verbal fight. if it was physical use your key as a weapon and wear lots of rings and if it must come to fighting, fight to protect ur self, self defense can not be punished. however if fighting can be avoidable then do avoid it. there's no need in to getting worked up over them bitches. bullies are usually very insecure or very idiotic most likely these "twins" just want to show off.
personal experience
um ok, they want to fight because you sat in the back of the bus? no, don't fight them. forget about them. it worse comes to worse and you are forced to defend yourself then have fun.
bullys.hmmph! you sit wherever the hell you want to. nobody can tell you where to sit! fightings not the best answer tho, just talk to an adult and get them in trouble. if they start a fight before you can do that, then fight back! see if a friend can have your back to even things out.
If anyone needs a twin to fight with them they are obviously not tough and most likely subconcious about something. It's best to just ignore them or act extra nice to them. It sounds weird but theres nothing you can do to make them more mad than to act like you are their friend =)
Easiest thing to do is to tell your parents, bus driver, teachers, other friends, and move seats.

If you can't do that, buy them a gift, even if they laugh at you they won't hit as hard. If that doesn't suit you, give someone else, a big person a gift and ask for their help. But be sure to tell your parents.
If have to fight them, kick them hard in the knees with a front push kick (use the bottom of your foot) when they walk toward you, then elbow them in the face.

Be sure to practice kicking something at knee level so you can hit your target.

Your elbows are less likely to get injured in a fight and will hurt the other person more.

Of course, you should try to avoid a conflict. If you can't, though, you should know how to take them out quickly.

Just trying to be practical. :)
you wont be different from them if you fought.avoid and ignore
PRAY ABOUT THIS!if you encounter them again have a cousin or friend to be there out try not to fight them try to talk it out don't fight them and pray about the situation
Ok, now truthfully how many of ya'll actually walked away from a fight? All I can say is that dont throw the first punch [ if at all possible] because you can't get in trouble for self deffence [which is throwing the second punch].
past experiences
Well first off the people telling you to tell someone have forgotten what that does to kids in highschool, it mortifies you, and you will be known as the snitch, I would settle it yourself. Be smart, use your witts and when they get on the bus say I saved you a seat its in the back of the bus. If it comes down to it simply say you seriously want to fight me because I sat in the back of the bus> if they say yes hand them a marker and tell them to write their name on it. Sure they will not think it is that funny but they might just walk away because they think your an idiot to stand up to them. If you act conifdent and dont let them get to you they wont bother you, bully's prey on the fearful. Hey whats the worst that can happen> Dont let them scare you, and if you want to just avoid them dont sit in the back anymore and dont talk to them unless you have too.. Be strong the school years will be over soon and they will be the people on the streets pregnant and no jobs, because they chose to be stupid while they were in school. I see it all the time the bully's and the popular people who go nowhere. Keep your head up and know your better than them no matter what.
There is no logic to them wanting to fight you, sometimes people have issues and are unhappy, so they pick on others. It's usually because they are jealous of you and maybe in a weird way even like you or wish they could be like you. Be strong and don't be afraid, People confuse kindness for weakness, use your instinct. It takes more heart to walk away. Surround yourself with friend and never be alone. This will soon blow over.
Dont fight them. Tell them that everyone on the enternet said its gay to fight! you can sit were ever you **** please too.


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