scream oh sh/it and then go to the doctor if its broken.

Other Answers:
go to the doctor
Go to the doctor,if you can still drive.
Open the door! Then put ice on it. If it still hurts after a while, and if it swells up / turns purple, or if you think it is broken, go to the doctor so you can get Xrays done.
Open the door and take the finger out. Then visit the doctor
If there is no obvious severe damage, ice it and take a pain killer. If it swells alot, won't stop bleeding or you are in exteme pain, you need to go to the doctor.
Swear really loud and jump around in circles, then put ice on it to help stop the swelling.
1. scream really really loud.
2. put some ice on it.
3. if it keeps hurting, goes numb, or if you can't move it, go to the doctor for an ex-ray.
the first thing i will do is Scream..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
ICE! then cry and run around.lol.
Depends how bad it is. If it is all squished and really hurts to move it, you may want to take a trip to the doctors. If it isn't too bad, lots of ice and Advil to take the swelling down.
Count to 10 hahaha
Fistly put ice on your finger, then go to the doctor. U don't want it swelling up do you?!
Is it bleeding or swollen? If it is put it under water, wrap it then put ice on it. If the bleeding/swollen dosent go away, then go to a doctor IMMEDIATELY!
happened to me. Dont freak out if you have to get stiches either. they dont really hurt on the finger.
put ice on it! If it still cause pain you have to do xray to see if it has been broken
Insert it in your "a n u s"
If you typed this, it must not be too serious, or you would have went to the ER already. You may want to go anyway to get presription rx for pain. You might lose a fingernail, but you are going to be alright. Best meds.ibuprfen for swelling, ty nol for fever. if you are feverish, indicates infection. see dr.ice if new injury, heat if old injury. OH, let me put in a disclaimer before i get sued. I am n ot a dr. Any advice i may give should not be seriousy taken. always consult your physican for reliable medical advice.
If you think it’s broken, go to doctor. But if it hurts because of pressure under the nail, you can relieve the pressure by heating a needle and gently pressing it into the nail. I know this sounds awful but it works. The heat from the needle (melts?) through the keratin of the nail, and by releasing the built up fluid underneath, the pain is darn near taken away. Then use some Neosporin, Band-Aid, and ice and over the counter pain relieve.

Disclaimer - I'm not a Doc either, just a country girl that has done this before. Do it at your risk. Check out the website for more info.


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