3 weeks ago i joined a gym and have gone every day plus i started a diet, but i!

Question: I am 5'5" and 180 lbs. I use the eliptical machine and weight train. i've noticed more muscles in my legs but my belly fat won't budge.
you are building more muscle mass which actually weighs more than fat

Other Answers:
muscles weigh more than fat, you could just be gaining muscle
get a personal traineer and tell them exactly wt want to loose. anywayz. just do as ur personal trainer says. that shld help
Go to the doctor, and get a fat % check, then in a month or whenever, go back and get that % check again. Although you may not be losing weight, you are most likely gaining muscle, stamina, and fitness.
Cuz your gaining muscles. When you weight train, you have to measure inches to see success. You'll feel better but the lack of quantible results frustrates people into quitting. Stick with it and you'll start to lose the other weight you desire.
If your not over 15 u dont need to loosing weight. Im sure you look just as pretty as you do in your avatar so i dont thinkloosing weight is in the picture.
a lot of it depends on your body type and what kind of a "diet" you started.

I have to agree with the other answer, in getting some professional assistance. They'll let you know what you're doing right, and what you're doing wrong.
Do NOT stop. It will come off. Trust me. I'm basically on the same program as you, but started two months earlier. I'm now to the point where people are asking me if I lost weight.
Patience, patience, patience. Keep going, and keep going. It will happen. Trust me.
You'll have to eat less calories and keep on exercising. You sound like you're doing a good job, keep it up. The weight will come off!
if u are losing some weight but feel that u haven't, i think that it is the musclesin ur body that is making it seem so much different than what it actually is.
Belly fat is hard to miss, at first you loose fat and win muscle, and muscle is heavier than fat. That could be an explication.

You should try another kind of exercises, and try to concentrate your workout in your stomach muscles. But mainly be patient and keep on going until you reach your goal.
If u don't think about it that much Ill see the weight will drop off. Plus u just started so be patient and give it some time.
This happened to my best friend. She worked out like a maniac, and didn't loose much weight. Part of it is from the fact that muscle weighs more than fat but also, several months later she went to the doctor for some test that were unrelated. Turns out she had something wrong with the way she processes sugar (or something like that). Anyway, he put her on glucophage ( not sure if that is spelled correctly) and as she continued to work out, she then began to lose weight. Not sure if it would apply to you but its worth looking into.
You are most likely gaining muscle at roughly the same rate that you are losing fat. Therefore your scale does not give an accurate assessment of your progress. Think % bodyfat instead of weight. Muscle weighs more than fat, so it sounds likely that you gained a few pounds of muscle and lost that much fat plus 1 extra pound. Your mirror will show your progress better than the scale. The scale only provide part of the picture. Also, while you are using the scale, make sure to weigh yourself at the exact same time every day (preferably in the morning before you eat breakfast). Keep up the weight training to maintain your muscle and increase your metabolism and use the elliptical machine to burn more calories.
Remenber 2 things: 1) You will only lose weight if you consume less calories than you use per day. 2) You cannot target where you lose fat.
So you may be losing fat and gaining slight amounts of muscle weight, but your belly fat may be the last fat that you lose because of your genetics.
Keep with your exercise and diet.
Try working on the abs.
At home put your feet under a heavy soffa or something similar. Raise your body slightly off the floor and wave it to and fro like a flag. Just clear the floor. Work only until tired. Don't overdue. Alternate with raising up and lowering slowly. Don't forget to drink water, NOT SOFT DRINKS, and no energy drinks. Combine that with long walks. Park your car as far from the door as you can get it when shopping and carry the bags yourself. Get a bicycle and use it.
Don't rely on the scale for success.
Ignore the scale, hun..youre building muscle as everyone has pointed out. Rely less on that godawful scale. You should notice a difference in the way your clothing fits, that's always a strong indicator.Oh, yeah.DON'T QUIT!
HOT-ROX FROM GNC. I know a lot of people are against diet pills, I was too until I found them to be the most beneficial in losing weight faster or to boost your metabolism while working out. I had been working out for almost 5 weeks, and hadn't lost weight or gain weight either. I was at a stand still. I was eating healthy, and exercising regularly. I just needed a little boost, so I went to the GNC center discuss my problem. They recommended HOT-ROX to take for 3 to 4 weeks to get my metabolism going. The diet pill doesn't cause any jitters or heart palpitation, and it actually work. I've only been using it for three days, and I lost 2 pounds already. I must say it's very important to add some exercise or cardio along with the diet pill. And only use it for at least 4 to 5 weeks until you start to see results. I hope this helps.
If you've neglected your body for a while, it takes a month or so to see results on the scale.. and then you drop weight very quickly..give it 2 more weeks and then you will notice that the scale will go down like 5lbs in 2 days.. Weird how it happends..Make sure you are eating between 1000-1200 calories a day, any less.. your body is storing fat even though you are working out.. any more then 1200 youre over eating..
also make sure that you dont have a thyroid problem.. that can definatly slow down the process of losing weight.
I had the same problem..I started at 180 and I am now at 160.I bought the 'Billy Blanks Ultimate Bootcamp' DVDs and I do them every day for a week. the next week I do 'The Firm' DVDs..My trainer says that you cant 'spot' lose weight.You lose it all over.The area that you gained the weight in last is the first area that loses the weight. For me I gained weight in my belly first and it is taking forever to lose my "pouch" ,but I can feel my ab muscles underneath where my ribs are.I also joined a tae kwon do school and started rollerblading and now it is coming off faster because of the variety that I am doing. Hope this helps.Oh yeah if the scale goes up a couple pounds it is just muscle that you gained (it weighs more) and that will help to "push" out more fat. Make sure to eat at least 1000-1200 calories a day depending on how much you do.No more pop.Try Gatorade or Propel fitness water..Its just as sweet! Don't give up it will happen! It just takes time!!!
Personal Experience
Being prier military, this is what I know. Four major areas, cardio, abdominal, upper and lower body. Concentrate on each area one day at a time and rotate. One day, cardio. Next day, upper body. Next day, lower body and so on. Mine was, starting Mon., Cardio, Upper, Lower, Rest, Abdominals, and Sat. was whatever I felt like doing and Sun. was Rest again. I would also sometimes throw in a few abdominal excesises in with Upper. Anyway, each person has their own agenda. Don't do anything "back-to-back." You should rotate to different areas of the body to allow other areas rest. Rest plays a large role. On top of that, you should allow for one or two days of NO or light activity. Ok, when you work abdominals, don't base it completely on time or repetitions. The belly is, in my opinion, the most difficult areas to work on. I've seen many people just do 15min or so many reps and get nothing out of it. A wide rage of different exercises are necessary as well. Instead of timing them, just continue to exercise until you feel the area burning. For some this may take a while and for others it wont. When it starts to burn, you know your getting somewhere. Then continue until you feel your muscles start to tighten up. At this point, go ahead, stop, and stretch. Best method for stretching is to lie on your stomach and do like your going to do a push-up only keep the rest of your body relaxed and stay there until you feel your abs loosen up a bit. Then go onto the next abdominal exercise and continue until think you've had enough. On top of all that, don't expect to see results right away, check your fat % once a month (or every other month if you have to) and take measurements of the waist. Many people expect to see a major change right away and when that doesn't happen, get discouraged and give up. When you do record you progress, just record the data and continue on. Don't sit back and look at the results and think, "Wow, I'm not getting anywhere fast." Then after about 6 months, look at the results and compare. I always maxed out sit-ups on the physical training test and have had many people ask me how I did it considering my size, which isn't that big. I'm 6'1" and weigh around buck sixty. It's all muscle though. Well, this is what I would tell each and every one and many of those would could back later on to thank me because it would help them out a lot. Hope it'll do the same for you.


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