How do I get past letting other people's feelings about me bother me?!

Oh Im plagued by this constantly.

Its not easy. It just means you care a lot!

Realize though, that at the end of the day the only person responsible for what you will become one day is you.

Not anyone else.

Find the strength and courage in your heart to realize the special person you are, the potential you have to be more than anyone could imagine.

No one else can see this but you.

Keep it a secret. Lock it away in your soul. Let it glow and warm you from the inside.

Let it burn, burn until peoples words dont have any effect on you becuz you are protected by this secret only you know!

Smile, and laugh. Cherish the company of those who love you and express it to you.

Dont waste your time on people who might bring you down, they only want you to be worse than them so they can feel better about themselves.

As long as you are the mighty superwoman inside, who cares what anyone else thinks.

Find your superwoman powers!

Other Answers:
Be confident! You are never going to get to a point where everybody likes you or has the feelings you want, so get to a place where you are comfortable with yourself, and laugh at the rest of the world when they don't agree with you! You rock, and don't you forget it! :)
i think you should talk to your parents or an older sibling or and older friend abou peer preasure cause that leads to drugs most of the times!
Hey, if you are happy with yourself, then f u ck them. Who cares what others think. There will always always always be someone that dosen't like something about you. Take a look at the celebritys, you hear trash about them, then you hear from the obsessive fans. Theres not reason to worry what others think. If you're happy, then there nothing else that matters.

" If a girl believe in herself, she's the sexiest girl alive. Self-confidence is the hottest thing a girl can wear" - Paris Hilton
I guess you mean wondering whether so and so likes you or not, or whether everyone thinks you looked awful in that bikini, or if they like your hair, makeup, shoes, teeth? Well if so I think you think too much. Stop worrying about what people think of you and worry more about why you care. Surely your own thoughts about yourself are more important. Would you put those shoes on if you thought they clashed with the dress? off course not, so why care if someone who is not so clued up thinks it looks crap, after all you know better, and whose opinion is in your own interest? Yours is, so there you are;
You are your own best critic.
If you're happy with yourself and confident and such, they can't say anything to hurt you.

Just try to meet your own standards and you'll find that you don't need to meet theirs.
Know what anxiety is, know the facts about yourself and of your surroundings. Don't assume how someone else is feeling and you're doing fine. ONE STEP AT A TIME.

I totally understand how you feel. It is not easy. Sometimes it is how you were raised. Especially, if parents were overly critical. Try to focus on your past successes and do something good for yourself. Also, consider the source. If the person(s) is/are hypocritical..their opinion does not carry any weight. I think it will help you feel comfortable with your self. Good luck!


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