how do i cure my constant heartburn/stomach pain?!

These may be caused by 2 things:

1. Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD: It is the reflux of the acid from the stomach into the esophagus, producing heartburn. Lifestyle modifications like eating smaller meals (u may eat more often), eating meals at regular time, eating dinner atleast 3 hours before bedtime, elevating the head end of the bed, avoiding food that exacerbate these symptoms, etc. help. You may also try over the counter antacids or home remedies like milk for the occasional heartburn, but these are in no way curative. Your doc may also prescribe some drugs like ranitidine/famotidine or omeprazole/lansoprazole to decrease the acid production, but these will only bring temporary symptomatic relief. If symptoms persist, eventually, surgery may be necessary. Also, if you have had this problem for a long time, it would be best to consult a doc, since chronic reflux of acid into the esophagus can result in serious problems like a Barrett's esophagitis, which may, very rarely, develop into a malignancy. It would therefore be best to discuss these issues with your doc.

2. Peptic Ulcer Disease: Either a gastric(stomach) or a duodenal ulcer may produce stomach pain and heartburn. The cause is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. It can be treated with a combination of 2 antibiotics and omeprazole/lansoprazole. Again, it would be best to Ask your doc, and see whether you indeed have H.pylori infection and get it treated. Symptomatic relief may be obtained with over the counter antacids, but it will only be temporary. Complete eradication of the H.pylori infection will result in resolution of these symptoms.

Other Answers:
It's pretty simple (or at least it's what I did). You need to stop eating the foods that cause it.
There are many potential causes of heart burn and stomach pain. An excellent book is available that can teach you about the causes and proper treatment of these types of problems (without using symptom masking and dangerous drugs). It is called "No More Heartburn". The book is written by Sherry Rogers, M.D. and is available at or from the publisher at 1-800-846-6687. I highly recommend this book.

Best wishes.
to start with watch what you eat. watch out for things like high acid foods(tomatoes,oranges) also caffiene. And obviousley spicy foods. You may find that its one paticular food that you intake everyday that can cause it. Im a coffee drinker and coffee gives me heartburn BUT it depends on how strong the coffee is and how old or fresh it is. i am not so willing to give it up. But i limit my intake. A good habit when you know your going to be eating something that may cause heartburn is try to take a Maalox BEFORE you eat this will coat your stomach. If this goes on for a long time go see a Dr. it could be acid reflux which can cause ulcerations in your assophogus if not treated.
I read this on the internet drink some apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. I have GERD but I haven't got the nerve up to try yet as it tastes terrible.


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