I am currently 22 years old, and 5 feet 2, I would like to grow a few more inche!

please don't take growth suppliments. you are what you are. being taller wont make your life better. Try doing things that make you a better you on the inside.

Other Answers:
probably not you usually go through your last growth spurt in your late teens
No, unless you go through a surgery that will make you gain a couple of inches, but not that much so it's not worthy. save your money and just be happy about yourself.
True, you are unlikely to grow anymore. However, you can visit a doctor who may x-ray your bones to see if they have fully "fused" together. If not, it is possible to be put on some growth horomones. But you should really talk to your doctor about that.
No, I wish.. I am 26 and 4'11"
do a google search for height max. pills that supposedly make you grow
yeah its possible but itll take some work and youll really need to focus on it!
Maybe, but it would be RARE
Sure - you should be able to grow another 2 inches around your waist very easily (trust me on this). Adding 2 inches to your height is a no goer unless you were a very late developer (eg puberty started at 17 years old)
I had a friend with that problem, talk to ur dr. there is a hormone shot that should help. My friend that did that is now taller than me she use to be like 4 ft. nothing, now she's about 5'6. Not sure if thats the right thing for everyone to do but talk with your dr and see what he/she says!


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