why do we stretch in our sleep?!

Because when you are sleeping an injection from your body makes you parilized while you sleep, so you dont act out your dreams, it you have Slept walked before than your cranium(part that releases injection) isnt working right(this might happen a couple of times) So most people usually strech to wake up from THAT.

Other Answers:
I don't. Once I'm in the fetal position, that's that, I stay that way.
just like you do when you are awake. to relieve stress on joints and to move your muscles.
why do you yawn,live,blink,eat? (Mostly just habit)
so you don't have a charlie horse. keeps your mucles working
Me neither, same as first post.
We stetch in our sleep because you are relaxed and rested and not moving when you sleep. So as time passes, you grow, unlike moving and walking. (staying still)
I think I understand what you are asking. First of all, let's start with why we shrink during the day. All of the gravity that is pushing down on your body when you are not laying down causes you to decrease in height. This is a very small amount. We stretch at night because that gravity isn't pushing down on your shoulders causing you to shrink. This gives your body a chance to go back to it's normal size.


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