How to get rid of Acid Reflux naturally?!

Drink Coca Cola. It may sound nuts, but it helps immediately. Only Coca Cola, no Pepsi or other brands. no, I'm not working for them and get no money for my statement.

Other Answers:
teaspoon of baking soda in water mix well and drink
baking soda and water does it for me.
stop eating so much. don't eat for a few hours before bed.

Tums are just as natural as baking soda and there's not nearly as much sodium. Baking soda has a ton of sodium in it.
One banana or apple a day. THis will take over a week to start kicking in, but it works well.
Try aloe vera juice.
Well I heard that a teaspoon of applecider and vinegar helps greatly.
Kevin Trudeau: Author
Some of these help me but might not help others:

- drinking milk
- chewing dry milk
- eating an apple (controversial suggestion!)
- eating ice cream (with real cream)
- drinking mineral water high in HCO3 (eg French Vichy)

also, try not lying right after eating

Best solution for a strong reflux is taking medication, however
My youngest son is 14. I've had heartburn since before he was born. Doctor recommened baking soda and water and it will relieve it quickly but my heartburn got so intense that I couldn't eat anything with out chasing it with bakind soda water! As much as I was using I knew shouldn't be good for anyone. I tried pills....but didn't want to take them forever. So had surgery and got instant relief and no more medicine. That was about 4 years ago.But maybe diet will help you? Stay away from caffiene and chocolate and bananas used to tear me up! Burn all the way down! My peticular heartburn was sooo bad that I slept in a recliner most of the time. In bed I would wake up gagging from stomach acids all the way up my throat. Sometimes I thought I was going to drown in my own puke. Sorry...Yes it's gross but it is the truth! They told me I had a hiatle hernia. Good luck!
I used to have a lot of trouble with acid untill my doctor put me on a clinical trial for a new tablet that has just come out.

You can get the tablets on prescription now, and I never ever get acid now, ever. They are called Esomeprazole, (trade name is Nexium)

Try them, they changed my life.
You can take care of symptoms or try to find the cause. To deal with symptoms, take an antacid (pretty much the same thing as baking soda). Finding the real cause is harder though. Stress is a pretty common cause of acid reflux. Being chronically dehydrated can also cause acid reflux/chronic heartburn. What and how you eat can affect it - anything spicey, if you usually eat on the run, etc. It may be worth your time to talk to a dietician if you think there's a chance that it's diet-related. You might be under more stress than you realize. There are many stress-relief techniques from deep breathing exercises to physical activity. Hope something in here helps!
Managing Stress 5th ed.
"Gut Issues in the Elite Athlete" - dietician presentation
Eat brocolli, uncooked works wonders(but it gives you gas)

DO NOT DRINK VINEGAR- tried it once, I nearly threw up and had heartburn for the rest of the night.

If you want to go the medicinal route Prevacid works better than Nexium- You can get a better result from over the counter Zantac. I bought digestive enzymes at GNC- its like a vitamin for your digestive system- since I started taking it I have alot less heartburn and almost no regurgitation. (I no longer need Prevacid to get by)

Also the bit about not eating for 3 hours before you go to sleep and be careful about what you eat. I haven't had soda for 3 years and I don't even miss it.
You'll probably never be rid of it though, I'll need surgery to completely get rid of it, you'll just need to learn how to live with it.
After you have eaten take two Tablespoons apple cider vinegar with some water and two pappaya tablets that you can buy over the counter anywhere--Do this after every meal and depending on how bad your reflux is in a week to 10 days you should be better
personal experence I use to take prescriptons meds for acid reflux I also read alot of different natural and herbal information. Hope it helps


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