I was jabbed , (not cut) by a plant in my eye, how long will it take to heal bef!

Question: it is not cut, not really red but hurts when I blink, and waters a lot, just did this less than 24 hour ago
Go to your eye doctor! Plant-related injuries are a common cause of bacterial and fungal infections of the eye. You need to be treated for this.

Other Answers:
If it happened yesterday and your eye is still sore and watering you should go to an yeterday urgent care and have them look at it.
probly like 3 days, it changes by person cuz each person can heal faster or slower then some1 else.
It should stop in like 3 days but I really don't know. Stop blinking and try a freakin doctor!
This also happened to me. I recommend geting antibiotic drops from the doctor so you do not risk infection. Otherwise, eyes heal fast. A few days if I remember correctly. Hurt a lot didn't it?
About 4 to 5 days. Keep a patch over it. An I eye doctor can give you drops to rid the pain.


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