What are some of the best products found at your local Wal-Mart to help acne? (l!

Question: You may think I am obsessed with finding ance cures.but alot of my friends don't have the "acne" problem. I have a few pimples on my chin and fore-head.some big ones too. Please help ASAP!
Hemorrhoid cream..it will dry you pimples up fast! my sister used it before on her face, you just have to be careful to only get it on your acne spots...don't rub it all over your face because you whole face will dry up and maybe peel.

Oh and just to let whoever it was that said to not take my advice...This trmt is even recommended by dermatologists! Yes it is a strong formula..but that's why you only put it directly on the acne spot! It doesn't cause more acne either. Besides my sister using it and it working I have several other friends that have also used it with awesome results!

Other Answers:
Use St. Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub before bedtime & when you wake up in the morning.
keep your pores clean
neutrogen is great
wash your face several times a day
acne is from clogged pores
Nutragena. I believe it might vary from person to person though. It works for me, but it doesn't work for my brother who has alot of acne problems. I know some people that said pro-active works.
HI, If your acne is a problem all the time try seeing your family doctor or dermatoligist, acne is a bacteria and they prescribe an antibiotic to attack it from the source..I know it works I have seen it make my daughters friends acne dissapear, if this isnt an option try Continuous working acne wash from clean and clear in purple bottle it is a foam pump bottle.
Neutrogena has this new one, it's an oil-free acne scrub in an orange bottle. I also like the new Neutrogena medicated acne pads. I have the same problem, stubborn acne on my chin, these products seem to be working pretty well. The trick is to wash your face at least twice a day. I tend to get lazy sometimes and forget to wash at night, then I suffer for it later with a break-out. I just purchased both of these products at Wal-Mart for about 6 bucks each.
I don't know which products are good from Wall-Mart. But I noticed that you were given an advice to use Hemorrhoidal Cream on your face. Do not use it! As it will cause even more acne, as a formula is too heavy for facial skin.
Instead going to Wall-Mart, go to Nordstrom to Rodan and Field counter. They have great products that work for acne and you'll get advice. And beside if for some reason you are not satisfied just return products back within 60 days.
Wash your face religiously morning and night. Neutrogena soap did the trick for me. Alternate the mild sensitive skin bar with the 2% salicylic acid liquid cleanser ( read the ingredients on the back) I would not recomend facial scrubs if you have pimples, it will make the problem worse. Use a scrub only if you have blackheads. After washing, use the Clear Pore Treatment ( either the pink or the orange, depending on your skin type) before going to bed. in the morning wash, moisturize with an oil-free product (Loreal Pure Zone is good) and by all means use sunblock, at least an spf 20 every day. Neutrogena makes great oil-free sunblocks, some come even tinted. reapply during the day. This is important to avoid acne scarring. What you eat is also important, no matter what some doctors say, in my own experience some foods actually help clear up your skin. Eat as much fresh fruits and vegetables as you can. Eat your greens. Grandma was right! Also include good proteins, like egg whites, tuna fish, salmon and other fish. Drink a lot of water. Drink a full glass as soon as you wake up and before going to bed, along with 6 other glasses throughout the day. Plain tap water will do. Good Luck!


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