How do I cure my anxiety attacks and the negative thoughts.?!

I have severe anxiety disorder and have fought it for years. I know just how you feel. The first thing to do is see a good doctor and get started on medication, it makes a huge difference. Anxiety disorder is a physical disease and needs to be treated just like any other disease. Then start seeing a good counselor, one you feel you can trust. After that, finding an activity or hobby that makes you feel good is a good way to stop the negative thoughts. Surround yourself with people who care about you, and can make you laugh. Here's a good book to read: The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook by Edmund J. Bourne, Ph.D.
The thing that most helps me is to remember these two things: Nobody ever died of an anxiety attack. There are millions of other people who have anxiety, I am not alone.

So smile, you're going to be just fine. :)

Other Answers:
If you have a a serious case of anxiety than there are medications that can help, you should see your doctor in this case. If it's temporary, because of exams or stress at work for instance than I would try and relax, watch a movie, focus on something that you like to do. Talk to a friend that always makes you laugh.
go to the doc, he will give you anti anxiety meds, as for negative thoughts you have to change the thought to a positive one when the negative one pops up.
meditation, belief in yourself and your ability to do great things. in your right to love and be loved. excersise. lavender oil. keep company with those you respect and trust. i am thier with you. much love x
Try to think positive and think that worrying is a waste of time.Find something that makes you happy ,listen to up beat music and tell yourself that this is gonna pass.slowly breath in through your nose and out your mouth to try to calm down.Call friends or family. Talking to people helps.Maybe try to stay busy .You can talk to your doctor too if it is real bad he may prescribe you anxiety meds.Find a different atmosphere that is happy if you can .
1st you have to determine the level of your anxiety attacks?Whether its mild, moderate, severe or panic level.the interventions will depend on the level of anxiety your going through.if your cognitive function is not yet affected, well, you can still act and think correctly, so better stay calm, stay in a safe environment and ask for someone to look after you.. you can do positive reframing: turning negative messages into positive ones. Example is: If your thinking: " My heart is pounding. I think I'm dying!", you must then change this into thinking:"I can slow my heart rate. this is just anxiety."! If things wont work out for you and then your continuing to have problems with your anxiety attack, better ask for a psychriast help, it wont any harm to you instead it will help you feel better and safe! Thanks
I used to have the same problem in high school. The best thing you can do is be yourself and try to please others at the same time. But don't be forced into uncomfortable situations. Turn down negative pressure. The point is to be yourself, and not be like everyone else.

It helps to have a big, nice-quality mirror so you can see yourself and look at your positive attributes.
I am being treated for panic disorder, which is probably what you have. I had anxiety attacks, too. I finally went to the doctor and I'm taking Zoloft to control the chemicals in my brain that were unbalanced. I also have Xanax in case I have an attack. I will be getting into therapy soon to "retrain" my mind so that it will think more positively and not be afraid so often. Hope this helps at least somewhat. I know that I am sooo much happier now that I am not as anxious as I was. It was hard to get myself to seek medical help (as doctors, hospitals, etc are one thing I am definitely anxious about!) but I finally got to the point where I knew that I did not want to live the rest of my life with worry and negativity.
My life! I have so been where you are!
a ton of booze and xanax. and strippers.
I agree with bejaymcgee's (sp?) answer for the most part. I also have an anxiety disorder that is treated by a WONDERFUL psychiatrist (that's the key) who prescribes a specific medication for it. I'm not sure how religious you are if you are at all, but sometimes it helps if I ask God to help me out at that moment. Yoga helps a great deal, as trite as it may sound - the breathing techniques used in yoga can be used in everyday situations. I know that also sounded trite but it works for me. Fortunately, anxiety is completely treatable with a good doctor and unfortunately, there is no single cure for negative thoughts that works for everyone.

Good luck!
Anxiety is fear. Try to figure out what your worst fear is...and then imagine that it's already happened and you survived. Now you have nothing to fear anymore.

The truth is that we can survive almost anything. We have been given everything we need to handle ourselves in this world and nothing will come at you that you can't handle.

The negative thoughts can be changed into positive ones simply by finding something good to think about and letting your mind go there. It sometimes helps to get up and do something different to change the negative thinking. Make a phone call, go for a walk or a ride, lift some weights, read a good book....anything to switch thoughts. Exercise of any kind will change the endorphins in your brain and automatically help you think good things. Perhaps you could get a workout tape to do when you're in this mood to help get yourself back on track. Negative thoughts bring such strong negative energy, you can actually feel it in the air around also creates more negativity so it's very important to get it out and keep it out. Good luck.
I had really severe panic attacks and horrid negative thoughts that went around and around. They went away when i started taking an SSRI drug (prozac family). There are definate side-effects; weight gain, night-sweats, difficulty comimg off of them, but i'd rather be a fat-sweaty dependant opposed to a trembling wreck. I think they have given me my life back.


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