i'm not getting periods from last 2 months, i am not pregant?!

It could be many different reasons. you should see your doctor. it's possible they may prescribe a pill to force your period to start.

Other Answers:
stress causes it also there are dieses out there that you only get your period no more than nine times a month, dont worry its ok
well have you been having unprotected sex?then yes u are probably-good job :)
just get a pregnancy test or something
f u haven't then ur period is just a little unsteady, it'll even ou though
There are so many reasons why women do not get their period when theyre supposed to. If you are under 25, most liekly your period could still be irregular. Ifyou work out alot, that could be another reason. also if you have recently jsut lost or gained weight that could aslo be a reason. Stress and irregular diet also. There are many reasons but to be safe, you should go to your gyno.
it could be just stress.
I stopped having my periods in college, and I went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor - it was no big deal, not cancerous or anything. The pituitary controls various hormones in your body and can affect your menstrual cycle. My advice is to get checked out by a doctor. I took medication to reduce the size of the tumor and I am fine.

The other possibility is that you are too underweight. Girls who don't weigh enough sometimes don't have their periods. So, if that's the case, either eat more or see an eating disorder specialist.


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