I need advice!?!

Question: My Weight Is 155 and my height is 5'1
Am I over Weight?
If I am how can i stick to a diet?
I'm 5'6 and I weigh 135 pounds. Just exercise and drink TONS of water! (Water is Great for losing weight)


Other Answers:
Yes. Total will power. Exercise, exercise, exercise!
exericise, lotsof fruits and veggies
Yes, you are above the recommended weight for your height. Look at Atkins or South Beach to lose weight fast without starving to death.
Well I'd say you are. I'm 5'10 and about 160. Just watch fattening foods and keep low on calories.
Google BMI to find out.
stay away from sugar, sweet stuff.
Yes, you are overweight.

Don't diet, exercise.
i cant see you so i dont know and if u are just exercise a lot
quit eating processed food and fast food and $#!t in general, and lots of exercise, cardio and anything that will make you sweat and be sore the next day mainly
former fat girl
I personally don't think that's overweight, but if you still want to lose just move more. Don't worry about changing your eating habits just try to find ways to move your whole body more. Sex is great for this.
Back off breads and potatoes and eat all the meat and veggies you want and fruit and drink Lot's of water... give yourself a cpl of weeks before you weigh and you will be so surprised. You aren't hungry cause you are eating when you are hungry but you are eating things that are good for you. Leave the sweets for a treat 2 times a week and stick to it. Don't eat after 6:00 or 7:00 pm.
Don't diet. (the ones who want to lose weight until they're 50 lbs) they sometimes get out of hand. Just eat healthy don't snack on junk food that often and excericise. Don't forget sleeping too!
Yes, you are.

Exercise and food choice change should be part of your LIFESTYLE for life; otherwise you are sure to see a diet as something you do for a sacrificial period and then you will yo-yo back and forth and destroy your metabolism too.
Main thing is don't starve yourself when dieting. Eat 6 small meals a day and lots and lots of water. Water is the key.Of course exercise. I would do Cardio mostly for like the first 6 weeks. Then you can start with some weights. Drink lots of water!
well i think that you must try to 'fasting'. you can start with lessen the food that much with calorie and eat much vegetable and also don't forget to make an exercise. its important thing to get less your weight and also for your health.is this okay? hope it helping you.


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