i need a list of foods that burn fat?!

Foods dont burn fat..exercise does

Other Answers:
Smelling apples or bannanas, but not eating them.

The smell triggers the body to start burning the energy it thinks it is about to receive.
pineapple is supposed to be good, fresh or canned
celery has like 2 calories
I found this article today and think I am going to have to stock up on quite a few of these foods in order to have any success.

Fat-Burning Foods (Yes.they do exist!)

Your body has achieved “neutral energy balance” when the calories you take in is equal to the calories expended. To lose weight you need to achieve a “negative energy balance,” where the calories you take equal less than the calories expended.

Translate theory into a workable diet, and it means eating a smaller volume of high-calorie foods and a larger volume of low-calorie foods.

Additional factors that weigh in on weight loss include how much activity you get daily, your body type and your genetics. Some of these variables are not flexible, such as your genes.

Factors that you can control begin with your diet and how much exercise you get each day. Making your body more metabolically active by building lean muscle and replacing body fat should be your goals for permanent weight maintenance.

Hunger Strategy

Hunger is distracting and energy-depleting and most people who “diet” fall off the program because they are hungry all the time. People who fast all day eat more than they need in the evening. The unwanted result is that they probably “slow” their metabolic rate because of a lack of calories when they need them, during the busy part of the day. Keep your metabolism stoked by eating small meals more frequently.

Food is the best fat-burning strategy. Eat the right foods to satisfy your hunger and maintain your energy while losing weight.

Cereal: Research consistently shows that people who eat cereal for breakfast maintain a lower BMI. Choose a high fiber, low sugar cereal and add fruit and nonfat milk to break your evening fast and boost your metabolism.

Stock: Hot and cold cereals containing less than 8 grams of added sugar and at least 5 grams of fiber per serving.

Lean protein: has the highest “thermic effect”, compared to carbohydrate and fat. The best meals contain a balance of protein (20 to 30 percent of calories), carbohydrate (40 to 50 percent) and fat (20 to 30 percent).

Stock: all types of fish, skinless poultry, and lean meat.

Dairy: Recent research shows calcium-rich low fat and nonfat dairy products as helpful for burning fat and enhancing weight loss as part of your calorie-controlled diet. These foods also contribute vitamin D and magnesium and protein…so adopt a daily dairy habit and include two to three servings daily.

Stock: 1-percent and nonfat milk and yogurt (the best source of calcium, (approximately 450 milligrams in a one-cup serving); low-fat cheese; and calcium-fortified cottage cheese.

Crunch! Negative-calorie foods require more calories to process and absorb than they provide. Eat all you want of crunchy veggies. Don’t worry about the calories -- they’ll fill you up before they add pounds.

Your best bet are foods from the cruciferous family -- broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy and kale, which contain disease-fighting glucosinolates and other substances. Crunchy cruciferous are also high in filling fiber so that you’re satisfied and can reduce your intake of high-calorie foods.

Instead of butter or high-saturated fat-laden sauces, steam and serve with just a drizzle of olive oil and herbs; shred raw in salads and add to casseroles.

Stock: Fresh vegetables

Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries are relatively low in carbohydrates, with a low glycemic impact, helping you maintain stable blood sugars. One full cup of berries has only about 80 to 100 calories, and all berries, but especially blueberries are packed with antioxidants and fiber.

Stock: fresh or frozen berries. Use in cereals, smoothies or as a snack or dessert.

Whole grains: White bread, white rice, pastries, and other highly processed foods that are easily digested and absorbed may contribute to weight gain and interfere with weight loss. Whole grains contain important nutrients including vitamin E and fiber which is removed from refined flours, but which slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream.

Stock: Whole-grain breads and cereals. Read the label; the first ingredient should be “whole wheat” or other whole grain.

Citrus fruit: Although the grapefruit diet has been dismissed by experts as a fad diet long ago, like all myths, there is a modicum of truth somewhere. Eating a grapefruit (or whole orange or serving if citrus fruit sections) before your meals will fill you up and take the edge off your appetite, helping you control your intake.

Whole citrus is a powerful source of fiber, helping maintain stable blood glucose and antioxidants including beta carotene, a cancer fighter. Avoid juice when on a weight-loss program. Eat the whole fruit that will provide only 60 calories per serving (1/2 grapefruit or 1 small-medium orange or tangerine).

Stock: Oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits

Soy Foods: A significant number of research studies support claims soy consumption can help you lose weight, the theory being that soy protein helps you feel less hungry, and helps you feel fuller longer. Soybeans are the only vegetable that contains more protein than carbs, and helps maintains stable blood sugar and avoids the release of insulin, which is a trigger to eat more.

Stock: tofu, tempeh, soy nuts.

Water: Water is essential for any weight loss diet and for continued good health. Water is essential for digestion, perspiration and elimination and especially vital when you’re burning fat to eliminate toxins. Staying well-hydrated allows your body to accomplish these functions quickly and efficiently, helping you maintain energy throughout the day.

Drink least 64 ounces of water daily or eight 8-ounce glasses, or estimate one ounce for every 2 pounds of body weight. Sip small amounts throughout the day, which also helps take an edge off your appetite. If you’re exercising, especially in hot weather, drink 8 ounces before, during and after you exercise.

Fruits and vegetables contain water, and can add to your daily fluid requirement while also contributing lots of fiber (which helps you eat less!) vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Stock: Plenty of water

Note: Research shows you can lose weight on either a higher-protein diet, a vegan diet or a combination diet. The best predictor of weight loss and weight maintenance is exercise.
by Susan Burke, MS, RD, LD/N, CDE
eDiets.com Chief Nutritionist
Lemons and grapefruits, without sugar. Kinda hard to choke down but they do make you loose weight. Also, lots and lots of water. You are supposed to drink half your body weight in oz. of water a day. Example: a 200 lb. person should drink 100 oz. of water every day.
That question is actually non-sensical. There are no foods that "burn fats". Carbs stimulate your metabolism, and you'll use those as fuel before you use fats as fuel. However, a well balanced diet, with less than 90g of fat a day, high in bran, and complimented with exercise, will keep you trim.


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