I am currently on the nuvaring birth control and was wondering?!

Question: does anyone know of any birth that does not have bad sexual side effects. I have no limbido at all and this is becoming a problem in my relationship. my boyfriend suggest getting off and using condoms but i'm allergic to latexs.so this is getting serious. does anyone have any suggestion or know of a birth control with not such a bad side effect.
I am having the same exact problem, and am looking into Ortho Tricyclen-Lo, and other low hormone alternatives. Because I was prescribed birth control specifically to regulate my periods, I don't really have the option of getting off it.

If you decide to get off of it altogether, VCF (Vaginal Contraceptive Film), is not messy and is effective in preventing pregnancy. I highly recommend it.

Other Answers:

..several alternatives for you.
I had the same probelm but from the DepoProvera shot. switched to an IUD and it's been happy sailing ever since! They are a little rough to have inserted but after a day you don't even know it's there! I haven't had any periods since I got it (1.5 years! YEAH!) and it's good for 5 years! More effective than tubal ligation! For me it's the best option (and hubbie is happier then going to get him snipped!)
Well there are other condoms that are not latex ones so that would be one suggestion! As well I am on Diane-35 birth control pills, I am not moody at all, I have a regular period I know the day and almost the time i will get it AND I have a very healthy sexuality! I am sure your sex drive would increase on these pills! If not try different condoms! As well ask your doctor, maybe they will have a good idea of what you need! Best of luck!
I had the same issues with lack of sex drive on the Pill and latex sensitivity.
Trojan makes a great polyeurethene condom- it's more expensive (about $1 each), but feels great.

I finally ended up getting the IUD for my peace of mind. The copper T IUD (Paraguard) is as effective (or more so) than hormones and can stay in and effective for 10 years or more. I think the woman above me must be on the Mirena IUD, which contains hormones and is effective up to 5 years.

I highly reccommend checking into it. It is painful to get inserted and my periods were heavy for 6 months following the insertion. BUT, I no longer have to worry about birth control!

The first link below is to a study finding that hormonal contraception is linked to permanent loss of sex drive. It's pretty scary, and I forewarded it to all my female friends. I know atleast 2 others who have had the same issues with hormones, so it's not an uncommon side effect.

The second link is to a page about the IUD.

Hope this helps!
I would suggest a Diaphragm. A diaphragm is a rubber disk, which you fill with spermicide before inserting. It covers the cervix and is about 85% effective. It can be put in place several hours before intercourse, although you have to apply more spermicide if you have sex again. The only drawback is that you have to be fitted for a diaphragm in your doctor's office, and many docs don't do that anymore because the demand is low. Diaphragm users are also at twice the risk for urinary tract infections. The reasons for that are not known at this time.
12 years of working OB/GYN


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