whats the easiest way to loss weight if you have a very low matabolism and it ha!

Low metabolism can be due to many things, medical tests need to be done to rule out physical conditions that may cause low metabolism. If there is a physical issue it usually can be dealt with effectively. However, most low metabolism and weight gain are side effects due to conditions such as stress and depression. A combination of eating habits, excerise will raise your metabolic rate and reduce weight in the short run, but not be long term without getting your mind and soul in order. The spirit/mind must be nourished and excercised as well and this takes some soul searching concerning satisfaction and happiness on the individual's part. Have you ever undertaken a task or hobby that took many hours and didn't even notice you didn't eat and you never seemed to tire while doing it because it gave you so much satisfaction?
A mind set for successful weight loss and goes beyond what most diet and fitness programs alone can do for people. The mind and soul need to be attended to first, the physical items such as eating habits and exercise are the easy part.
For the physical part the two sources I use are body 4 life for exercise and intuitive eating for a nourishment program. For the mind and soul I use many different sources from religion to motivational speakers. Good luck on your quest.

Other Answers:
when some body invite you for eating then you should move you face from left to right and then right to left this is easiest way to loss weight.
I have the SAME problem. I have found that increased activity and the right combination of foods help! Foods that are easier to digest are a good way to start. Lay off the carbs, which are not easily digested. I have lost close to 60 lbs after having gained over 80 being pregnant with my now 18 month old daughter. Still losing!
look at the answer I gave to this other question
"What is the best diet plan need to lose 30 pounds?"
you might find it helpful, I lost 60 pounds in 7 months, so trust me if you change to a healthy and active lifestyle you will lose weight no matter what.


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