what is D&Csugery? and does it keep u down for a few days?!

also known as a Dusting and Cleaning..just some cramping and a little spotting..most docs don't let you go back to work until the next day.

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D&C is when the scrape out your uterus. you'll cramp for a few days, but it should'nt keep u down
when they suck a featous (baby) from a womens womb it can be if shes miscarried or if shes haveing a abortion its a long tube that has suction
They Dilate your Cervix and they clean out the Uterus, so you can start producing the lining of it clean. It isn't really surgery. It is more of a procedure. They don't cut you. Yes, it can make you feel crampy and bad for a little while. It shouldn't be to bad.
Curettage of the uterus (womb) is the scraping of the lining of the uterus (the endometrium). The procedure is commonly known as dilation and curettage or D&C.
Most women will take the following day off work, but, physically, you recover quickly.
Yes, it is an outpatient procedur wherein they scrape the lining of your uterus. It takes about two days afterwards to feel normal after the anesthesia wears off. In the meantime you will feel week and dizzy during the first two days.
D & C stands for dilitation and Curetage which means they dialate your cervix and use a curete , a curved metal intrument to scrape the lining of the uterus . It is useful for entometriosis, retained parts of the placenta or incomplete menstrual cycle. Some of the older ladies refer to a D&C as "a dusting and cleaning" of the insides. After a day you ought to be back on your feet.
D&C stands for Dilation and Curatage. It is done for different reasons, but is mainly the method of abortion as used after the 1st month of pregnancy. D&C is also used with there has been an occurance of spontaneous abortion, when the body aborts a pregnancy naturally, and for certain methods of uteran cleansing because of faulty IUDs. The length of recovery depends on the severity of the reason and on the woman. Some women are able to move about and be pretty "normal" the next day, where others take up to a week. One who goes through such, however, needs to be careful of heavy lifting for a least a week, and needs to be careful of bodily stress, including sex, for a least a month.

D&C is dialation of your cervix and curtage of your uterus or the removal of tissue within your uterus. The next day or two after the surgery you will be groggy but nothing too scary.
I had a D & C a few years ago after having a miscarriage. I didny have any problems with it at the time, although i was clotting every month it took a over a year for my periods to return to normal!
Today, the procedure is routine and considered safe. It is minor surgery performed in a hospital or ambulatory surgery center or clinic. D&C is usually a diagnostic procedure and seldom is therapeutic. It may stop bleeding for a little while (2-6 months), then the prior abnormal bleeding tends to return.

I had a D&C once when I miscarriaged my second child and I was fine the next day.
I had a D & C a couple of years ago due to a miscarriage. Yes I cramped very badly the first day or two, but then I was okay. Theya gave me good pain pills. I was off work for a couple of days. Maybe if you are tuff you could still work maybe the day after. I'm a baby though. The surgery was super quick like 15 minutes tops. My legs ached a little from being shoved back so far in the stirrups. It's not a bad surgery though.


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