why cant i stop yo yo dieting?!

if you're 40 n sexy maybe much sex make you eat a lot time to time.

Other Answers:
Eating yo-yos has been shown to lead to death, which in turn leads to dramatic weight loss. It is a very effective diet.
Pretty much pulled that one out of my butt.
you should eat healthy and unhealthy foods at the same time so you can go off a diet, but still eat healthy.
Our bodies have evolved in a way that lets them adapt to periods of starvation and periods of plentiful food. if you try to rapidly decrease the number of calories you take in, your body will "think" that you are starving because there is no food - and so as soon as you come off your diet, it will try to retain fat, just in case another starvation period is coming.

This causes the yo-yo effect. There is a way you can stop it.

Due to the above effect, dieting can actually make you fatter over the long term.

The way to lose weight is not to decrease your calorie intake dramatically. You need to first decrease your intake of sugary foods, without decreasing calories much. Once the sugar addiction is gone (maybe a month) then you slowly decrease the calories you take in, but also (and this is key!) have non-sugary snacks in between meals. Your body will "think" there is alot of food around, as you are nibbling so often.

If you can trick your body into "thinking" that you are in no danger of starvation (by having lots of little meals), it will stop retaining fat, as it doesn't expect to need to have reserves for low food situations. And you will lose weight!
Diets do not work.
You really need a change of lifestyle including healthy eating, exercise, fresh air, no smoking, plenty of sleep, no alcohol or weird substances.
All it takes is common sense & a little willpower.
Yo=yo dieting is caused because once the weight is off the dieter goes back to his/her old ways & puts on the weight again but always more than was lost initially.
Don't worry this is a normal thing. You need to find a program that will work for you, that you enjoy. The biggest problem that most people have is that they don't want to stick with a program or they get bored with it. Take a look at the site below for some really good reviews on the most popular weight loss programs. These are the ones that seem to be the most consistant and that the most people enjoy. If you have any questions just let me know! Good luck!


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