what is the best way to stop smoking?!

Man, if I knew that answer, I would of quit a long time ago! LOL. Try the patch and the gum. Also talk to your doc. He can prescribe Wellbutrin to help you also.

But ultimately you can try all these I listed, but until you have the mind set and the will power to really want to quit..nothing is going to be successful. You have got to REALLY want to quit first!

Good Luck! :)

Other Answers:
use nicotine gum?
don't light up


stop sucking
A. don't start
B. use nicotene gum
C. have your family watch you and hide your cigarettes
D. all of the above
Eat sunflower seeds.
Sew your mouth shut. Works everytime. Make sure you consult a physician for this procedure (don't censor me yahoo).
what reason holds you to smoking ?!
just make a vision.."from now on i will stop smoking 4 ever and ever and ever!!"
Ask your Dr.to prescribe Zoloft it alleviates any desire to light up--tried everything that was suggested and this really worked.
It truely is a 'head game.' Use some negative images, picture yourself in a bad state of health.visit with someone who has smoked for a long time and is now paying the price for it. Then use some positive images..think of what you will do with the extra money, the better health.
Take a nice vacation with the money you will save.

No easy way to stop. But stop. Wishing you Good Luck.
the most successful way to quit is to go cold turkey, chew a lot of gum or suck on lollipops to keep your mouth busy so you dont feel the need to eat more or smoke a cigarette..(gaining weight while quitting is the result of eating more to keep your mouth busy)

if you cant do it cold turkey use the patch or chew nicotine gum. However this will only make you want cigarettes more because the nicotine is still in your body and your body craves more of it. If you quit cold turkey the noctine eaves your body faster and you will go through withdrawal quicker.

Also i found makinga list of reasns to stil smoke and reasons to quit can be very helpful. every time you want to smoke a cigarette look at this pros and cons list and this may help you want to succeed!

Hope this helps!
Hey have you tried picking up a replacement hobby are get help mentally smoking doesn't just hurt you physically but mentally because you haveto think what you are living for i really helps to think about your future after a lifetime has taken its toll on your body. Then how much money you have spent on whatever you smoke. THINK ABOUT IT
Common Sense


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