What is the recommended business suit color, black or grey?!

Question: Any other color? Reasons for this recommendation.
I personally think black is more sophisticated and professional. However, grey brings out the natural colors in your face and your features, so the decision is personal.

Other Answers:
go for black, not grey (navy blue is better than grey)
i'd say black. to me it just looks better
black..it complements with other color..
grey because every body wears grey ,and black is for funerals
depends on how you look in both. Some people dress much better in Grey than Black.. Black/Navy Blue is the most common color for business dress but if the color doesn't look good on you then go for Grey
grey represents smarts but black is more intelligent and plus it loooks nicer..grey makes you look older 2..black is always fashionable and looks great
While both are acceptable, black generally looks better on most people. And almost ANY tie can go with a black suit better than grey. It also looks sharper than grey.
From a family of attorneys. My dad, grandfather and stepdad would wear navy suits for a trial. But for closing arguments they would wear black. Black is more a down to business power suit color. You can wear gray. But for important meetings wear black.
In the UK, they say that now brown is the new black. But another saying is also 'no brown in town'. I think a smart brown suit with a cream blouse or top would look lovely for an interview but always remember to match your shoe colour with your outfit.
Black looks more sophisticated for me.
depends on what sort of business u r in. if you r in fashion business, then the brighter the better. for other businesses, black, navy, bedge, white are all good.
if your only going to have one then Black.

if you can afford both do both.

it's always sensible to have two suites.
black for female
grey for males, with black shoes
The best reference is to check out how top management executives in your field dress and take ques from there. Black-black is usually used for evening or special events. For a daytime business suit opt for grey ( any shade, from medium to charcoal, depending on the season ) and navy blue. Any colour shirt is ok, but if you work in a conservative area, such as law or banking, white or pastel shades are always the best bet. Blue is also a good choice, as long as it is not too dark. Then again, it depends on the work you do, you can usually get more creative in fields such as advertising or publishing. Your tie should have a hint of the shirt's colour on it, from there on, choose what fancies you. I must insist though, if you are into banking or law, you can play with prints, paisleys, stripes, but for your own sake, don't wear a cute mickey mouse tie or anything of the sort! Keep your sock dark. Some men like more flamboyant stuff, which is ok, if you do it right, but dark blue is always safe. Never, ever white socks with bussiness shoes. (just the thought makes me cringe!) Good Luck


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