How is bi-polar disorder dx'd? What profession? Tests?!

Great answer by hidden_smiles. The one thing I would add is that the period of mania can be exhibited as grandiosity. Rapid speech and multiple ideas coming out at the same time. An agitated frame of mind, extreme nervousness and paranoia. Insomnia is a corollary having to do with the nervousness. In some cases the grandiosity is expressed as irritability and anger. The difficult thing is that there's no test as such for bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder. One of the ways that bipolar disorder disorder is deduced is through a long term analysis by a counsellor, social worker or psychiatrist. Another indicator is an adverse reaction to anti-depressant medication such as Zoloft or Celexa. In some cases being on this medication can push somebody with bi-polar tendencies towards a state of mania. The good news is that there are mood stabilizers that can be provided by a licensed psychiatrist if this is diagnosed. All in all, there is a lot of help for this and a lot of information online. Good luck to you.

Other Answers:
Bipolar disorder would be diagnosed by a psychiatrist, psycholotist, counselor, or other mental health provider. I don't think there are tests for it, it is the combination of symptoms that makes the diagnosis. Bipolar disorder is more commonly known as Manic-Depressive disorder. The person has bouts of being very sad, down, can be suicidal (depression) alternating with normal emotions and then with periods of being very up manic). rapid speech, spending lots of money on unnecessary things, staying awake for days/nights, lots of activity, etc. If you or someone you know is thinking they may have bipolar disorder, you might want to start with your primary doctor, who might be able to diagnose it him/herself or can direct you to someone who can help. There are many medicines now to help with this. You are definitely not alone in this. Take care, and best of luck to you!


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