Disheartened! Diet advice?!

Question: God, I need HELP! 30 minutes ago I tried to steal my husbands credit card because I found these "miracle" diet pills on the net for 80 bucks. Tell me who does this at 3 AM? Luckily he woke up and asked me what I was doing. I snapped back to reality and stopped myself. I have NEVER been a skinny girl, I've always been a little chubby but NORMAL and happy with my body and my little curves. I get pregnant with my first child a little over a year ago and much to my horror I gained 60 lbs. during my pregnancy. It's truly amazing how you can justify in your head shoving a pan full of brownies in your mouth and claim that "it's for the baby". It's like I thought the weight would MAGICALLY come off when my baby was born. SURPRISE! There is not enough space in this box to type the number of weight loss thngs I've tried - breastfeeding (yes it burns calories, and of course its good for baby), starvation, diet pills, more diet pills (bfing stopped). I have no IDEA what to do now, and I feel like
I wouldn't dream of cracking jokes on you!
I'll write more in a minute sorry

Honey, take it easy don't be discouraged because 60 lbs is not that much if your baby is 6 months. You took 9 months to put that weight on, remember? Now it may a good time to start shedding those, but your precious baby comes first (BTW, congratulations!) so you don't want to take diet pills or anything that might get you nervous, anxious or stressed out, or also starving and weak.

So please go slowly, forget those brownies for a while, go for fresh fruits and veggies, whole cereals, skim dairy , lean meats, fish, forget the seasonings, mayo, heavy cream, ice cream, cookies, cakes, etc. You can have some occasionally, for example on Sundays, but don't eat them on a daily basis. If you fill up on soup, veggies and lean meats, you won't feel the need for sugaries and if you do go for a yogurt or baked apple with just a little sugar, or a sundae made with fruits, you'll be needing all the vitamins you can get!

Try to walk a little, for example stroll down with your baby, remain as active as you can, be dinamic and joyful. You have to be at your best not only for you and hubby but especially for your girl, she needs you at your best. No one will be judging you for your baby fat, I assure you! Just go slowly, take it easy and don't obsess (I am repeating myself, sorry.)

Life is beautiful! Your daughter is beautiful! You are beautiful! Just forsake processed foods, cut just a tiny bit from each of your portions, be active, and you'll start seeing some progress, I promise you.

Good luck! All the best for you and Baby!

Other Answers:
Oh you poor thing. I was huge after having my children and the only diet that worked for me was Weight watchers, go to a meeting and get weighed. i know thats quite scary but it really works going every week and losing the weight slowly. If you wanna chat I am on IM tonight (I'm in the uk and it's 10am here!) Just try to stay positive, you have a gorgeous baby and you will lose the weight.
First and fore most find yourself and love yourself stop feeling sorry and don't give up have faith in what ever you may do to loose weight. Start simple with a 30 to 40 min.brisk walk and cut back on all starches sugars and breads no sodas. Take your time and gradually work towards a slow jog dont get discouraged because it takes time excercise is the only true way. A junkie can get a quick fix!
you seem to be really desperate. don't loose heart. your baby is only six months old. once he starts moving around, you have to run after him and will loose weight.nurse as long as you can. take it easy and don't try anything drastic but make sure that you loose steadily over a period of time. avoid sweets, have vegetable porridges and soups with wheat or oat bran. this will fill you up but has no oil and less calories. start exercising at home whenever you find time
hey babe the first thing you need to do is calm down! i have to tell you i know exactly how you feel i have took cheques out of my husbands cheque book to pay for slimming pills and guess what i'm still over weight. its not the answer and they don't work. i put a lot of weight on with my first child, we then decided to get married which gave me the incentive to lose it. we then decided to have another baby a few years later i didn't actually put on alot of weight with this child and lost it all immediately. now 5 years on i weigh more now than when i was pregnant with my second child! i find it extremely difficult to lose weight now. the one thing that i have found that does work is weightwatchers online you have to pay a monthly subscription but you will lose weight. the other thing i can suggest is always drink 2litres of water a day this will help to keep you hydrated and you'll snack less it also makes you wee that bit more which keeps your tummy flat! and try to love yourself because being heavy doesn't make you a bad person and when you do lose the weight you'll really love yourself and feel great! take care chick hope this helps x x
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Weight Watchers is the only thing that worked for me. They told me I was setting myself up for failure because I was cutting too many calories and starving myself. They teach you how to balance what you eat. I highly recommend them. The group meetings are great for your self esteem also!
Used to be a large mom too
A lot of people are suggesting Weight Watchers, and I am going to as well. No pills, no expensive food plans, just a lot of common sense that anybody can live with, along with a lot of support. I lost 50 pounds on the program, and many new moms in my group have been very successful.


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