what is the easiest way to quit smoking?!

Take a look at this website.

Then, everytime you have the urge to smoke think about what your lungs will look like if you keep smoking.

Other Answers:
don't buy them
Get the patch
when you find out let me know please.
I tried patches, gums and pills, ended up back at the store.what worked in the end was going cold-turkey and just not buying more. everytime I wanted a cigarette, I would take $5 out of my wallet and put it in my piggy bank. after awhile, I realized how much money I was saving just by willpower and stubborness - good luck!
Yeah, I've never smoked but it seems to me that pure will power would be the best way. Figure out how much money you'd be saving in one year, and plan on buying something you want with that money after a year is up.
chew a gum
take some candy
drink water everytime you want to smoke
1st of all think of the people around you.Then stop buying them,don't go places where people are smoking and offer you one.3rd think about other things to do like singing dancing,hanging out in the mall.I hope you quit soon
replace one habit with another - dr phil
probably the best way is to get away from people who do smoke or take the patch, maybe even the gum. good luck!
if you have kids put a picture of them in the front of your pack of cigs ,and that should be alot of inspiration for anybody.


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