How do you get fit fast, and free?!

drop sugar, salt, caffiene, and sat fat intake. and yes. walk around. you may think running around will burn fast easy. actually no. walking. low cardio fat burn is what it's called. don't follow atkins diet either. the body needs carbs just to move. take your body wieght. divide by two. whatever # u get you need to be eating that many calories a day just to survive. and thats not counting moving around.

good luck.

sry, its alot of info. but i'm a nurse in training.

got a lot of bio classes under my belt.

Other Answers:
exercise a lot! walk around, do crunches, jump rope are a few things I do every day to stay fit.
Good question. I have been working out for 4 weeks now, lost several pounds and 7 inches, it is taking forever. I dont believe there is a fast, but it at home with DVD's or the fitness channel.
Do Billy Blanks tae-bo every day. It got me in the best shape of my life.
Die of hunger and just drink free water
diet smart while you train..train hard and keep the diet real and 6-8weeks youll look and feel great
you could start by doing things that are free, running, or pushups and situps stuff like that, but eventually that stuff will lose its affect and if you want to keep getting in shape you're going to have to spend a little bit..but start from the bottom and work up, as far as fast..anything you get fast you can lose fast..and you should never consider yourself "fit" just getting more fit
I go running. Works for me.


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