do you get your periods when you're pregnant?!

Question: i'm not pregnant but i'm just curious
Every month, one egg leaves one of the ovaries on its way to the uterus via the fallopian tubes. Meanwhile, in preparation for the egg, the uterus starts to develop a thicker lining and it’s walls become cushiony (the endometrial lining). If the egg reaches the uterus and is fertilized by a sperm cell, it attaches to this cushiony wall.
To start with, always remember that pregnancy and periods can never go along simultaneously. If you are indeed pregnant, technically, you cannot get your periods. Missing your period is actually the first sign of pregnancy. Bleeding in early pregnancy is a common occurrence, but this does not signal a true menstrual cycle. You must realize that the hormones that are active during pregnancy totally prevent ovulation. As we know, ovulation is the time in your cycle when the egg is released into the uterus and women experience menstrual bleeding. Since the egg in pregnant women is already fertilized, ovulation does not occur and hence no bleeding.

Early Pregnancy Bleeding
However, it is not uncommon to find that many women do report getting what seem like regular periods during early pregnancy. The bleeding that pregnant women complain about though is not truly a menstrual period. It can be called as early pregnancy bleeding. The perception of having a menstrual period (or more than one) in early pregnancy can confuse the due date and delay some pregnant women from seeking appropriate and timely medical care. In instances where a couple is unaware that they are expecting, it can be particularly emotionally challenging to find out about the pregnancy at the same time they are told that the bleeding might signal a problem.
It can be hard to calculate your date of delivery when you aren't sure which period was the true last menses. A number of timing issues can help provide a ballpark estimate of when conception took place. Pay attention to these dates for help - when did you have unprotected intercourse, when did the pregnancy test turned positive (especially if there were some negative results before the positive one), and when you first noticed symptoms of pregnancy (such as breast tenderness or nausea). An ultrasound is the best technique to determine the baby's due date if you are not sure about one or more of these dates.

Identifying the due date is quite important in prenatal care, since some tests, like the triple check, are standardized by the exact number of weeks of gestation. In addition, most couples as well as their practitioner want to have some idea of when to expect the baby. Here are some explanations for what may seem like regular menstrual flow when you are pregnant.

Most of the time the egg just passes right through without fertilization. Since the uterus no longer needs the extra blood and tissue which made up the walls thick, it sheds them by way of the vagina. This cycle will happen nearly every month until the ovaries stop releasing eggs, usually several decades later. (Menopause).

Other Answers:
yeah a lot of people don't think so but you can have one up to 5 months
yeah you can, my friends mom didn't know she was pregnant with my friend until she was 5 months pregnant.
you can get a sort of period, it technically isn't one but there can be some bleeding, because of this some women don't realise they are pregnant until quite far on!
yes, some women do.
Yes it can happen.One of my clients(I'm an alternative medicinal therapist) saw her periods right through the whole of her pregnancy. It was due to a hormonal problem.I can't go into the medical reasons for this it would take to long. It's very rare but it does happen.
there are some women who do get their period all through their pregnancy if in any doubt take a pregnancy test or better yet go to your gyno.
i dont know
I think that no,well my mother told me that if u are pregnant you dont get ur period.
Yes you can have your period while you are pregnant. I did until I was 8 months pregnant. The doctor said usually it has to due with placement of the placenta but mine was normal so the doc really had no idea why it happened. Sometimes it just does. Hormones and everything were normal.
nope, older cousin told me! and my stepmom is preg. no pads or tampons being used!
no you shouldn't at all, you may have light spotting and sometimes that is normal, but usually any bleeding at all is bad and is a sign of a miscarriage. But, I have heard of a few occasions, which is a small majority of women, do occasionally get a period while pregnant. But, for the most part it is not normal.
Oddly enough, the body does not pass the correct signals around. On rare occasions, the periods still intermittently occur. The body does not realize that a person is pregnant. You must seek professional help so that a doctor can give you more appropriate answers than I would have the ability to tell you. God Bless.
It is possible to have a "light" period during your preganancy. But should stop by your 2nd or 3rd Trimester. if still on your period during that time, it may be a serious problem.
no you don't get your period while your pregnant because there has been an egg that has been fertilized and while the mother is preg. the body is saving all that blood for the baby. if you loose blood while preg it can cause some problems!
i personally didnt. but my grandma had hers for a few months before they realised she was pregnant.
yes, that how some women can be five months pregnant and not know it.
I was going to say no, but looks like some women have. hmmmmm,,,,,are you sure about that? I still say NO.
Some wemon can still get there period while they are pregnant i am pregnant and i have not got mine but i sometimes get a discharge when i am due for it and it is not red it is clear it is very normal thou.
no i dont' think so cause the blood that would turn into your period give way to the baby right?
No. In my experience, I didn't. I got pregnant twice and I didn't have any periods at all. Some women do, what they call spotting.


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