is there such thing as freckle remover. and mole?!

Question: i wanna get my freckles and mole remove. how much would it cost. would it be painful?
As odd as it sounds, Glycolic acid has been known to remove moles. has a home kit for sale.
I don't know about the freckles. Maybe a lightener.

Other Answers:
Yea its called surgury!
You can't get freckles removed, as they are part of your skin (as opposed to moles, which are attached to your skin)! To get rid of freckles, you'd have to have holes cut out of your skin, which would look a damn sight worse than freckles! the only solution is to wear a lot of make-up on your face - again, that would look worse than freckles!
Besides, freckles are lovely - why on earth would you want to get rid of them?

You need to learn to love your freckles - believe me, when all those brainless suntan bimbos all look like iguanas by the time they're 30 and you're still all line-free, freckled, youthful and gorgeous, you'll be sooo thankful for them!
Pale and PROUD!
Freckles are very different from moles. Moles 'can' be unsightly, painful, and in some cases dangerous. View freckles as kisses from God all over your face. They add character and by may people are viewed as an attractive feature. Learn to love what is in you rather than changing your appearance dramatically through painful and expensive surgery.
There is laser technology that fades freckles. Its similar to getting laser hair removal. However Im going to wait until it has been around and working safely without side effect for a number of years before I decide to try it.

I live in Australia and theres a number of places here that do it.


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