If I don't get an Rx refill because they were out of stock, can i sue them, if I!

It's not the pharmacy's fault that you didn't plan ahead. Take some responsibility for yourself.

Other Answers:
No, because they were out of stock
No because they will tell that you were supposed to have had it filled while you still had like 5 days before you ran out.
You can always go to a different store.
I doubt it, but on the whole I would say that if you are on a daily medication for something, you should call in a refil about a week ahead of time. That will give the pharmacy plenty of time to get you what you need without you having to go a few days missing meds.
Why dont you just transfer the Rx to another pharmacy that does have it.. You are allowed to do that.. And if you was to try to sue.. The judge would ask you why you did'nt try.


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