Whats a normal Heart rate?!

Question: I was just wondering how you check your heart beat. Like i know where to touch to feel the beats and i don;t remember if you have to times something by the number of beats you get. What is a normal heart rate, i have a lot of chest painand i noticed that my heart beats faster when it feels like someone is squeezing my chest, does any one know the right way to count the beats of the heart?
This sounds like Unstable Angina. A normal heart rate can range between 50 and 80 beats per minute. The best way to take your pulse is to take your pointer finger and place it on the side of your neck. Relax and gently poke around until you feel the pukse. Count the number of beats for 30 seconds and multiply by two. This is your heart rate. If you have pain in the chest or radiating down your arm, or if you feel as if someone is squeezing your chest and you can't breathe, you may be having a heart attack. Call 911 or have someone bring you to the nearest hospital for evaluation.

Other Answers:
72 beats per minute
Normal heart rate is around 300. Use your finger and stick it in your ear, count to 300 while watching a clock. When you get to 300, look at the time. If it's over 1 minute, your heart rate is too slow. Take some drugs or drink some beer. Lots of either. This will increase your heart rate to the appropriate levels. Glad I could help.
well i know this quetion very well cuz i went to medical school lt year and it i from 60 to 100 (bpm) beats per minutes jajja wht do u think?


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