i just found out that im pregnat, and i dont have insurance.?!

Question: what do i do? is there somthing the state can help with my situation? iam not a food stamp or welfare case, i have a decent job, but i pay rent and car payment that takes up alot of my money, my boyfriend has not goten his insurance yet. a local clinic told me that they only give assistance to people that work only 40 hrs a week and dont make more than 9 dollars an hour. i know that theres always the other route of terminating the pregnancy, but im really not comfortable with that. i sure hope that they would be able to help me, i mean my tax dollars help all them mexican and hmung people that have migrated here to wisconsin, they have no jobs and dont even belong here! u would think theres a way right?....
go apply for medicaid.they should have a special medicaid for pregnant women..as far as food, go sign up for WIC. There is a way for you to get medical care without terminating your pregnancy. God Bless

Other Answers:
call your county assistance office. They will give you an application for medical, cash and food stamps. You can always apply regardless of income. They take into consideration what your monthly bills are. Keep your baby. You can always make it work. There are also clinics you can go to that will give you free medical care.
Go buy a fake Mexican ID and claim to be an illegal alien, you should get first class medical attention then.
You can go to planned parenthood or else just lie on your application to the clinic. They wont check it. Also, Mexicans come to America to work and they work really long hours doing jobs that you wouldnt want to do and have absolutely nothing to do with you getting yourself pregnant with no insurance. How would you feel if a rich person said to you "My tax dollars go to help that girl and she even be responsible enough to prevent pregnancy while she doesnt have insurance." Mexicans have nothing to do with a. you not having insurance and b. you being irresponsible. Also, you wouldn't be eligible to get your boyfriends insurance anyway unless you two got married.
P.S. No I'm not a Mexican
Wisconsin has BadgerCare, but I don't know if that's for pre-natal care.

You might also be able to work out something with your doctor about time payments. Try contacting your city hall, they might know where to direct you for help.
i shaggiest that you look around your area there is always someone that can help you if you not sure just go to any doctors office and they should be able to tell you something about where you can go.
I was in a similar situation when I became pregnant. I went and applied for Medicaid and got approved. After the baby was born, I wasn't on Medicaid anymore but my child was. So call your local Department of Health and Human Services and talk to them or just stop by the office and complete an application. Good luck and God Bless!
May I suggest to you Ameri Plan's discount benefits program. They do not have any restrictions on ongoing conditions and you can start saving immediately. There is a hospital advocacy program that assigns you a personal advocate to negotiate with doctors on your medical bills.

The plan also includes savings on dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic care. I'd check them out. I'm so proud to be with them. I know I shouldn't advertise, but your need sounds great. Let me know if you have any questions. wlakin@ameriplan.net



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