if i quit smoking whos gonna help me thru it??????????!

i will, email me, tristaaustin@yahoo.com

Other Answers:
Your family,friends..
nicotine patches:)
Go to a group hypnosis.

I tryed: Patch, Gum, Zyban, Cold Turkey, and inhalers. With all of these, I crashed <slept> for 3 days . then when I woke up, I was like Giraffe Zilla, and I alienated all my friends and family . I couldn't even live with my attitude.

Group Hypnosis instantly got me to quit without crashing, headackes, or grumpiness.
Hang in there.

When you feel a craving, look at the clock. Wait five minutes!

nobody but you! be strong
Kirsten Dunst..
There's no one could help you except yourself
Smoking is probably the most devastating thing that has happened to man kind. I know because I smoked for 10 years. The best way to go about it is to isolate yourself from the people, places, and habits that remind you of cigarettes. Friends that smoke, bars, drinking. need to be avoided for at least a month. (the usual amount of time it takes to flush the nicotine out of your bloodstream). You will be extremely grumpy when you quit cold turkey so the best company to keep are the people you know have the temperament to deal with you in your time of need.
Non-smoker friends and family can help you through this as well as quit-smoking support groups that are starting to be more wide-spread. Call your local hospital and check if they have one available to you. If you can make it through one month, you will know you're actually not PHYSICALLY addicted to the cigarettes but rather will crave it for psychological needs or just plain habit. Try to lessen your involvement with smoking reminders until you're sure you can make it through the temptation. GOOD LUCK!
There's lots of free help at http://www.quitguide.com so don't think twice about whether to quit of not, make it a breeze by setting yourself up with all the tips you need and go for it.
NO ONE - You're going to have to do this on
your own - its not easy,but you can do it
It took me three tries to do it. I kept at
it until I had it licked. Hard candy,shell
peanuts(something to do with your hands) A
straw to suck on (pretend its a smoke) inhale
exhale,for the hard candy I used cough drops
take hot & cold showers - let the stream beat
on your chest & back ( you can't smoke there)
SEX,SEX,& MORE SEX when you roll over suck on
your straw - DON'T GIVE UP,KEEP AT IT.
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