What jean size is considered fat for a 15 year old girl?!

Girl just be happy with yourself, don't fall into that trap of conformity, just be happy and healthy! As long as you feel good and are confident then no matter what you look good!

Other Answers:
Well, if you have to iron your jeans on the driveway, you may be a little big.
so u are 15 but how tall are u, how short are you. Remember it revoles around your height and bone structure not only your dress size......
eat, enjoy and be healthy in moderation.
Seriously, if you're asking this question YOU'RE NOT FAT!
Anything over a size 15 would be considered obese.
16 +
Size 10 or above, in my opinion.

Size 3-6 is good.
I dont know. but I am 14 and dont care what size you are and I am online right now and wouldnt mind someone to talk to. My email is coty_cassell_1@yahoo.com.
Girls are different because their still growing but really you should know if you are a little on the chubby side.
A size 10 greamygryl? Puhleeze! I cant stand people who are born skinny who dont have to work for it and spend their lives looking down on other people who are bigger than them! I don't think jean size matters that much since they vary in store to store. Usually anything over a 16 is the time when maybe you should look at what you are eating. I know some people who look really skinny and wear a 12 while others look the same and wear a 6!


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