what is the best way to remove armpit hair?!

Question: i usually get grown hairs in my armpit and i already have a "chicken skin" armpit..=(
How about shaving it off?

Other Answers:
pull it using tweezers.
Laser hair removal.it may take several treatments and it should get rid of the "chicken skin"
waxing or if you have the money, laser hair removal.
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pluck em like a chicken =]
If you're getting ingrowns from shaving, then I'd suggest waxing. but it's going to hurt the first few times at least. or a hair removal cream.

Have you tried using a gel-based shaving cream when shaving? It may help.

Moisturise your underarms a few minutes before you shower. It helps your skin to stay nice (or rejuvenate it). Wash using a liquid body wash (NOT soap).

Or. try this product range - or something similar to it http://www.thexton.com.au/product/Skin__Doctors/Mousse__Magic__200ml
my happy underarms
You have the same problem I have. I do one of 2 things. I'll let the hair grow in long enough to tweeze (it takes a lot of time, and does cause some neck cramping. My boyfriend loves to help, though, the sadist!)

If I'm in a hurry, I'll use Nair, or some chemical hair remover. Wax and wax strips don't work for me, but try them, they may work for you.

If you have the money, electrolysis or laser hair removal are the best permanent solutions.
the quickest is shaving although its not the best..i would say the best is waxing or laser hair removal
Nair, and a nice looking cat named geronimo.


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