what causes your stomach to hurt so bad?!

Question: my stomach really hurts to the point i cant sit up and hurts in my sides and even in my back what is the cause it does this every once in a while
indigestion? are you allergic to dairy products? when do you get these symptoms, just after eating or do come come any time of the day?
Do you sleep well- no symptoms during the night?

Other Answers:
you could be on your period or due to start or if this happens each month you could have endiometris its best you get checked out love : )

I do not know the orgin of your pains, but I strongly advice you to see a doctor.
I had this too, and I found out that I had kidney stones. The best thing to do obviously is to see a doctor, because you can't fix what you don't know is broken. Good luck to you.
I would get that checked out. It could be just about anything, really. I would have guessed at trapped wind, which can be really painful, but when you say in your back, that doesn't sound like it. Go to the doctor and get an examination. If you are in pain to the point of being unable to sit up on a regular basis it is definitely worth getting checked.
There are a number of conditions that cause this kind of pain. You can't be diagnosed on-line because you haven't given enough information. Please see your physician as this kind of pain and its location could indicate a serious health problem.
time to go see a doc
First think back and see if it only happens when your on your period. (of couse this is for only girls :) ) If so try midol, b/c that really sound like how my cramps used to be before I got started on birth control.
If you are a guy or the pain is there when your not on you period then you need to see a doctor.There are so meny things out there that can cause stomach pains. Look at how meny organs are in your tummy area. Please get checked out.
Good luck.
tootise roll pops make your tummy hurt:(


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