Why do I always feel cold ?!

Question: i feel cold nearly all the time and i am not sure why
Blood circulation.

Talk to your Dr. about this. Cold feet is one of the warning signs of Diabetes.

Now, don't get all freaked out about it. it's only ONE sign and may have a completely different cause. But usually cold feet or hands are caused by poor circulation.

You Dr. will be able to help you figure out if there is need for concern or further testing.

Other Answers:
bad circulation talk to your dr about it!
I don't know, usually when ur not being active like doing something people intend to get cold or when some not all people have a low metabolism. its not a bad thing but if you r cold try keeping urself busy by walking, exercise w/buds, or taking classes. sometimes simple cleaning or running errands does the trick! or u might have the air conditioning on high or ur house temperature is too low. it also depends on how much ur outside like if the temp. is low. but also if ur cold try using more blankets if u sleep or have a blanket close to the couch when u watch t.v. and also u can where a sweat shirt or layer ur clothes, it always works! hopefully u take my advice!
Anemia could be a factor


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