Is Snoring too much bad for obese people?!

Yes, if they have sleep apnea. This is when the breathing stops for several seconds and they gasp for air. This wakes them up over and over at night. If this is happening, it's best to see the doctor and get a sleep study done. They will determine if it is the uvula (in the throat), excess fat in the throat, or if a CPAP machine would help.

Other Answers:
Yep it keeps them awake
It could lead to sleep apnea where the person stops breathing for several moments and then convulses back into breathing (snoring).
Yes it could possibly be sleep apnea.
yes, I agree with what what she said above, could be sleep apnea. But thin ppl can have it too!
most say that snoring too much is a sign of heart problem. most obese are at high risk for heart problems. if you are obese and snoring too much please get a doctor check-up. it is wise to "cut" on bad cholesterol intake and do some cardio exercises REGULARLY.
Obese people can acquire a sleeping disorder called "Sleep Apnea" The snoring isn't the problem. The problem is when he ISN'T snoring.

With Sleep Apnea, the airwaves become blocked. Breathing will stop for extended periods of time. This mainly happens when the person is lying on their backs and the neck fat presses against the windpipe. Suffocation can easily occur.

My husband has it. He has made a habit of either sleeping on his side or his stomach. Sometimes in the middle of the night, I tend to give him a nudge to let him know that he needs to roll off of his back again.

If this is your problem, you need to seek medical advice.

If the problem is only with snoring, just be glad to hear it.
As multiple people have commented, snoring is bad if it is associated with sleep apnea. Just because you are snoring doesn't mean that you have sleep apnea, but it is very common to see the two together, especially in obese people. It is important to treat the apnea (usually with the above mentioned CPAP machine) because your blood oxygenation drops significantly during apneic periods. Over time, if left untreated, the periods of reduced oxygenation lead to increased pressures in your lungs, a condition called cor pulmonale. This increases the workload on your heart and can lead to heart failure over time. You will need a sleep study for diagnosis, so see your doctor soon.
I think snoring is bad for all people
Snoring in anyone, but especially obese people can be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea makes you tired and cranky all the time, but it can cause severe consequences to your heart and brain.


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