I have gotten a piece of popcorn kernel stuck in my gumline and cannot remove it!

take your dental floss and push under the kernal if that dosen't work brush over your gum and use mouthwash. if it's really lodged in there good and deep you might want to ask a pharamicst because it would be ridiculous to go to the dentist and pay for that unless there is no other way!

Other Answers:
Rinse. and keep at it.
try swishing salt water in your mouth
Dental floss. If that doesn't work, wait a day or two. It will loosen up. Still stuck? See a dentist.
Go see your dentist. Your gumline could become infected.
A dental pick (you know the metal ones with the hook) or try chewing gum?
I went to the dentist with this problem. He said, "You're teeth are OK, but your gum's got to go." lol
Alice Cooper. Billion Dollar Babies.
keep flossing .. if its too far up you might have to go to the dentist
brush your teeth!


Pin or Needle, but be careful, clean it with Alcohol first.

If you can't get it out go see a dentist. The longer it's in there the more likely your going to have a bigger problem.
Try to get dental floss as close to it as you can. When you can't be flossing, continue to work on it with your tongue. It will come out eventually; I love popcorn and mine always have. Should you not get it out in a few days, call your dentist. He may have other ideas.
Use a water pick
Floss and mouth wash
ouch! That happens with the shells of mini eggs too! It depends if you can get at it with floss, I'd go to the dentist if I was you or I'd end up ripping my gums to try and get it out, there's nothing more annoying!
I gather you don't have a water pic or you wouldn't be asking. I would try dental floss or a product called stimulants. To reduce this aggravating problem, I find if I use stimulants regularly they really tighten the gums which lessons the amount of stuff getting stuck. At first when you use them, you will find that your gums bleed a lot because they are soft and not tight to the tooth. Which by the way is why stuff gets stuck in them. After about a week, the bleeding no long happens when you use the sticks. I find it a lot easier than trying to floss. Hope this helps, when my gums are soft I hate eating popcorn for that very reason.
Dr. T. Passifuime
Try a plastic dental pick.they actually are sold as "flossers". floss on one side and a pick on the other.
After you've been picking at it, rinse with a 1:1 combination of Hydrogen Peroxide and any flavor of Listerine. The solution will bubble in your mouth.don't swallow. That should help combat infection.
If it hasn't resolved in a day or two.contact your dentist.
If you cannot remove it by flossing and rinsing then you should call your dentist and make an appointment. it does need to be removed as soon as possible.
Dental Instructor


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