What's the best way to trim the forest down there?!

A comb, and scissors. Be careful.

Other Answers:
you got a forest? ok, sasquatch, maybe a beard trimmer or in your case a weed whacker. Or just a good ole Mach 3.
Use a weed eater if that don't work use Nair but make sure you don't get it on your eye.
Trimming the hedges to make the tree look taller is a wonderful experience when done correctly. The first thing you will need is a sharp new razor. NOT CLIPPERS! Clippers will pull up the scrotum and cause small cuts all over it giving the illusion of genital herpes and open sores.and Nobody wants that. So.Location is paramount to make the shave and clean-up both equally enjoyable. I suggest a hot shower while tending the greens. The steady stream of hot water will not only aid in keeping the razor clean, but also thwart the razor burn until you are ready for the painful ending. Keep your ballbag pulled tight while you whisk away that tangled mass and be sure to get the gooch area which sits between the bag and the bung. Once you are gleaming like a small child, exit the shower and bask in the glory of a freshly shaven wang. If available, cover the area with an after shave balm ie. Nivea, or Afta. For best results, I recommend Pinaud Aftershave.although this will set your junk on fire for approximately 7 minutes. Happy shaving.
My ball shaving experience.
WAX ------------- VERY HOT
First, trim down the depth with a very sharp pair of scissors. Watch out so you don't knick yourself. Then, go get waxed. For you, I would suggest a full blown Brazilian wax. Ha, ha!


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