i have the hpv virus. how will this affect the rest of my life. the only sypmtom!

Question: i found out about this when i had a pap smear done and the pap smear came back normal, but the doctor told me i have a high cell count rate for hpv. i am so worried not just for myself , but also for the wonderful man i am engaged to. since he and i havebeen together we havebeen in a monogomous relationship. i know he has only had one lover before me. unfortunately i have had more than that. the guys i did have relationships with looked healthy and clean. some of them i used condoms with ,but a few i didn't. i realize now what i have done and it sickens me. i want to tell my fiancee, but i am so scared of what will happen. i love him more than life itself. i can't shake feeling dirty. i became a person i didn't recognize from the moment i heard from the doctor. i just want to hide. i have thought about making up some excuse and ending the relationship, but i love this man so much and that would hurt him beyond belief. i feel lost and alone. i feel like i sealed my own fate.
I know how you feel. I got diagnosed last summer. I was terrified of telling my boyfriend. I thought he was going to leave me, I was sure of it. He was just the opposite. He was so understanding. The day I told him he took the day off to be with me to comfort me. We did go through some rough times dealing with it later. Most of hpv heals itself within one to two years. You will always have the virus, it will just be "hidden". The best advice I can give you is not to smoke, smoking increases the risk of it not going away. I felt dirty for the longest time, but this is SO common. Most people have it, they just don't know it beause the virus hasn't shown itself in any way. I have not had any problems with mine (no warts etc). It is very important to get a pap every 6 mos to make sure it is not escalating into something more serious. I hope this helps. I know it is tough telling your fiance. Hopefully it will bring you closer together.

Other Answers:
I am so very sorry for you. I would tell your fiancee before you both get sexual if you havne't already. If he truly loves you then he will still be with you after you tell him. I don't know how it will affect the rest of your but I'm sure you can talk to your doctor about it and she/he will probably have more information for you. Hope things work out for you.
The HPV virus its a little more danger for you, than him. In the other way, the HPV virus, with a good medication and care, it will become just on appereance problem.

the true its always better (I say this because i ahve live it in my personal life), i think he will understand. Dont be afraid to tell him. In anyway, he will know it some day, and its better he know this by telling u the problem, not by another people
Voices in my head
I also had been diagnosed with HPV, during a regular pap, I just had a LEEP procedure done as the strain of HPV (there are many) is one that could cause cervical cancer. It's been six months since my procedure and all is well, just follow ups for the next 3 six months then everything is back to normal knock on wood. It is important that you have regular pap's every 6 months as a high cell count can eventually turn into cancer but is almost 100% preventable as long as it is caught early. Chin up it's not the end of the world and it is true that 25% of women have contracted the HPV virus and just don't know, as only certain stains cause warts.
A test needs to be invented to easily screen for HPV in GUYS!

It is awful that STDs tend to cause more health problems for women (mainly childbirth complications and infertility, not to mention cancers).

Try not to feel "dirty" though- no one ever intends to get an STD!

If your man is wonderful, or even has half a brain on his shoulders, he should be understanding. Most guys are- it's amazing that they don't seem to freak out as much as us women!

You should tell him that your papsmear came out abnormal and you were diagnosed with HPV and don't know who you caught it from (obviously having sex with a partner who was infected and probably didn't know). Atleast 50% of people have it, from what I've read. Most men don't know that they carry it.

If it's seriously affecting you right now, you might also want to see a marital/relationship counselor for a few sessions (marital/relationship counselors deal with STDs in otherwise mentally healthy people more often than mental health counselors who deal mostly with the mentally ill).

Hope it all works out- I totally sympathize!
It is an awful thing. But you have to take into consideration that 70-75% of all sexually active adults have encountered the same thing. You are not alone! Unfortunately it continues to spread even if you use a condom. Just treat it and take vitamins to keep your immune system up and stay positive.


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