How painful is it getting blood taken?!

almost nothing, just a pinprick. If the sample is big you might get a little dizzy after it though.

Other Answers:
most times its not bad.
Just a pinch.
Little pinch, and that's all. Unless the phlebotomist has no clue what he/she is doing.
Not painful at all if you have a nurse that will listen to you. I always ask for a butterfly needle because they are really small and you barely feel them.
it is not painful. just don't look.
Not much,just a slight prick.
ITs a great feeling to donate blood to another person knowing it might save him/her.
If u hav any prob. imagine ur giving blood to a loved one..Then the mental block will go away.
it dont hurt , its just a little prick and you hardly feel it
its not that bad as injecting something into your vessels.
Not very if you get a good nurse. If you get an inexperienced one watch out.
I have blood tests done all the time and you barely feel it and it's over in seconds.
not as bad as u think,
Not very painful. Just a little pin prick in your arm. It lasts half a second then the pain goes away. They usually spend 30 - 60 seconds drawing blood into one or more small test tubes. Afterwards they take the needle out and put a piece of cotton on the tiny hold and put a bandage on it. It's simple and painless!
absolute no pain if taken from the vein, if from the finger a pin-prick
infinite wisdom
It's bit like when you prick yourself with a pin badge, a little bit noticeable, but not a lot off pain.
I'm disabled and have blood taken quite often.
it is about as painfull as a 16 gage nedel going into your arm.
If you are afraid of needles just look away, it helps me with dealing with it. Most of the time they say ok we are done. The anticipation makes me nervous.
very similar to a mosquito bite. one sting and it's done
It depends.

For normal blood tests they take it from your arm and it is not overly painful, but if they want to measure the oxygen levels in your blood they take it from your wrist and from experience I can say that hurts!
Usually just a little pinch and a tingly feeling depending on how much you take out. I find that looking away is easier, my mind tends to believe that if I watch them do it I tell myself that it must hurt but a couple of times I have looked away and they have done it without me even realizing it!
It's not that sore. I donate blood every 56 days and I have a phobia of needles. :-) Just look away and don't tense up. If they can't find a vein, ask them to take the other arm instead. Good luck and be brave! It's over before you know it!
Feels like a slight pinch to me, If you are a bit squemish about it don't look, but you won't feel much pain.
it can depend. if access to a vein is easy then it is just a slight nip, but if the nurse/doc whatever cannot get a vein then it becomes more of a problem. I was at clinic a month ago to give blood and for 25mins the nurses were slapping my arm trying to raise a vein; at one point they mentioned taking blood from the back of my hand which would be very painful. I offered to let one of them punch me, but finally they found a vein.
life experience
they are all liers they sterilize the needle with lemon juice so that i burns going in. while they are taking it your arm will go numb with pain and blood loss. they always take more than they need, so that they can make clones of you and assemble an army of mindless humanoids.
Veins have no pain innervation. The pain you feel is from piercing the skin. Generally the more proximal the blood is taken the less painful it is as the distal ends are better innervated.

Good on the guy who gives blood, the needles they use are some of the biggest around
I always hated having needles stuck in me, but then i got glandular fever and knew i HAD to get it done so i made this huuuuge fuss over it - tears and everything - i made my dad come with me! (dont worry i was 16 at the time - not too old for daddy lol) and the doctor did it - not the phlebtomist - and i was screaming and closing my eyes and i felt like a tiny pinch and i thought the worse was yet to come then he said all done and i started to breath again! Its not as bad as i thought it would be! So no, not much pain just like a little pinch and thats it!
Own experience
Are you getting blood taken for a test or for donating blood? Either way, it should just feel like a slight pinch. similar to getting a shot. My suggestion: don't look at the needle if you are squeamish.
It depends on your tolerance to pain. 99% of the time it is just a little pinch and then it is over. Some people scream before the needle even goes in, but that's just anxiety about the needle. Sometimes it may hurt just a little bit more if your veins are harder to find and the phlebotomist has to probe under your skin to reach your vein(painless i promise), but if u r the scary type, close your eyes or look away and count to ten(that's what i tell my patients lol)and by that time it will be over.
look away, and think of somethign happy. you'll be fine


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