What are some ways to reverse aging?!

Question: I understand Exercise and diet can lead to the fountain of youth, but what are some other ways of reversing the aging process?
you cannot reverse aging. You might be able to reduce the problem of getting wrinkles. You might be able to do things that will not make you feel as old, like sore muscles and aching bones; but you cannot reverse aging. That is impossible. Time goes on, and we get older every day.

Other Answers:
Lead a stress- free and active life.You cant reverse aging lol but u can reduce the effects aging has on you.
well one way to reverse aging is to travel to a distant galaxy in order to find the fountain of youth. however this will not always work because when you get there you may be DOA.
Smoking marijuana has been proved to lower core body temperature. This can help the process of ageing to progress at a slower rate.
Well Duh, I heard on T.V about all these creams that get rinkles out of skin, or you can try plastic surgery.
drink a lot of water and sleep at least 7 hours at night
protect your skin from the sun, I know the sun is a good source of vitamin D and is good for you but to much can also make your skin age rapidly.
There are a wide selection of cosmetic surgery procedures that can be done to reverse aging but if that is too costly or scary for you then the best way to slow down the signs is the have a good facial every month, protect your skin with sunscreen from the skin damaging UV Rays and moisturize daily. If you smoke, stop!Limit your alcohol drinking and replace with lots of water. A little trick to to help with those puffy bags under the eyes, rub a little Preparation H on your face.yes the hemorrhoid cream, just don't use on your a** first and DON'T get in your eyes! It's a models secret!
Because most skin changes are related to sun exposure, prevention is a lifelong process.

Prevent sunburn if at all possible.
Use a good quality sunscreen when outdoors, even in the winter.
Wear protective clothing and hats as necessary.
Good nutrition and adequate fluids are also helpful. Dehydration increases the risk of skin injury. Sometimes minor nutritional deficiencies can cause rashes, skin lesions, and other skin changes even if no other symptoms are present.

Keep skin moist with lotions and do not use soaps that are heavily perfumed. Bath oils are not recommended because they can cause you to slip and fall.

Moist skin is more comfortable and may heal better.

Collagen replacement. Collagen is a major body protein and is the main constituent of the extra-cellular matrix. The reduction in the quantity of collagen results in skin that is less thin and less elastic


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