Hi, what can I do to avoid my oily face. It is so annoying! Please help?!

Question: My face is oily, have some partial acne and sometimes i get big pimples! I keep wondering what's the cause for all these.
I want to have a beutiful & healthy skin.
Do not wash your face with hot water. Extreme temperature changes are hard on the skin and can exacerbate anyy acne that you might have. You should experiment to what works best for you.either a mild cleanser, or a cleanser with either benzoyl peroxide or salycitic acid in it. You may also want to look up Masters Miracle (I buy mine through ebay). That works best for my oily skin, in combination with Neutrogena products that have the benzoyl peroxide.

Good luck!

Other Answers:
Wash your face in hot water(only). Try using a different kind of soap!( The kind that's made for oily faces)
Try washing it.
you can wash your face twice a day with hot water and use either soap or face washes at night.
Visit a skin specialist, and wash ur face with hot water.!
well girl washur face all the time day and night. and this might sound weird but carry wash wipes in your face and wipe ir face every few hours, it works for me. and for the big pimples try putting some Neutrogna vanishing cream on it and leave it on over night.
Try Proactiv Solution. You see results quickly and it works great. It heals your acne and and fades the acne scarring as well.
get proactive
dont put oil a lot ha
okay..u sound like u got my old skin problem.first od all dont wash your face with hot water.warm water is a lot better.it opens pores and it doesnt burn your skin.get an acne treatment the best are from CLinique.they make the best soaps and moisterizers.and get an oil absorbing mask too.ur makeup sould also be oil-free.if ur problem continues go see a proffesional.GOOD LUCK
skin care guru
If your oily skin is scaly, you can often correct the problem by using a deep-cleaning exfoliant on alternate nights

Cleanse only two or three times at the very most with a product made for your skin type. Washing more often will only strip the skin of oil which simply stimulates the oil glands to replace it.

Rinse thoroughly and then finish off with a toner/astringent on the oily areas of your skin. The astringent can be used throughout the day to help control the excess oil that
many different things. you should wash your face in cool water using a cleaser just for oily skin.I prefer to use Biore,,they are the best in my opinion to treat acne for over the counter cleanser. YOu can also throughout the day wipe your face with rubbing alcohol. I wouldnt suggest doing that alot as it will dry your face out fast but once or twice a day wont hurt ya.
if ure pressed for money than try this--face masks are the best! they clear out the pores so ure skin can breathe.also DRINK WATER lots of water..sounds funny but its a fact that drinking water hydrates and clears up blemishes.
Buy the soap of CLINIQUE,and the PORE REDUCER MASK of AVON.
You can go ask a doctor that knows about your face.
Pro active. It really helps.
Never wash your face in hot water this tends to dry out the skin which then produces more oil. Also use gentle cleansers and luke warm water.
Oily face mimics the kind of foods we eat. If you have a tendency of eating greasy foods it comes out in your face. One way of getting rid of this problem is to drink the required amount of WATER daily. Our skin or rather our whole body is dependent upon water and when we take in the wrong kinds of foods it starts reacting to the lack of water that the body needs. Dry drinking atleast 6-8 glassess of water daily,cut down on the sodas and sweets and oily foods,try this for at least a month and see if there is'nt a difference in your skin and your body as well.
try washin ur fase wit hot wtr
use oil free cleansers, astringent and oil free moisturisers meant for oily skin...rose water is good for toning skin..drink lots of water


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