Should people have to pay for their healthcare?!

Question: What do people think- is it right to charge people for health?
To Every one who Said No. I used to think that way, I used to say with the large amount of money we pay in taxes heath care could be paid for like in the Netherlands for example. But then through experience I learned the Truth. The truth is that countries w/ free health care on average pay 45% total income tax. We pay less on average. When I was working at the airport in Houston I met people every 20min that were from a country who had free health care that personally paid for their own flight to Houston to pay for their own Health in the Houston medical center even though they have been paying taxes all their lives for free health care in their own country. The best of doctors require the best of money, you get what you pay for. Our Government is not known for hiring the best of social workers. I don't want my doctors to be social workers and I don't want my taxes to go up to pay for it. I would prefer to be trusted w/ my own money to pay for better service and not have to travel to another country seeking better health care like the people I met every 20min. Be smart and Think. Don't Be a Democrat Socialist. We got our independence so our taxes would decrease. People Should Pay for their Health-care, because you wont get it for free w/ paying taxes.

Other Answers:
You shouldn't have to but if you have the option of paying for a clinic so you can get off a public health care waiting list so people more needy than you can get better access you should be allowed to.
I don´t think it is right because everyone has the right to be healthy and as yu have seen people even charge for an even better healthcare than that other one and so you see people are just making money and they dont care if its with your health.Hope this helped.
Should doctors _get_ payed? What about the cost of making medicines? Someone has to pay for it; it can't just magically happen. But if you ask me it should come out of taxes.
If you have a good paying job and can afford to pay for your own health care then yes you should pay for it.
The people that can't afford it, especially ones with children, should be able to get help in paying for healthcare.
yes and no. not many health problems cant be avoided, but people do have a lot of influence over their health based on actions and choices they make. and many people go to the doctor for every little ache and pain and use more healthcare than they should, so there needs to be some burden on the individual. that's the problem with medicaid- government covers less than 25% of americans, but pays for over 40% of healthcare in this country. because people on medicaid have almost *free* healthcare, so they dont hesitate to use it while people on private plans often have to pay deductibles, 10%, etc. that and they tend to make poor choices on the foods they eat, excercising, smoke at a higher rate than the general population, etc.

but this is why we have "health insurance," so there is not as big of a burden if you have a major illness. it would be nice if everyone could be healthy and healthcare was free, but in the real world, it costs money and its not socially responsible to spend enormous amounts of money on 1 person. not too long ago, medicare and a hospital and charity spent like 5 million dollars trying to save some guy. is that responsible to society?

(eh, sorry i just read through my post and realized its really rambley and incoherent)
I don't think we should pay for Health Care. After all that is what we pay taxes for. That's why I don't care how much he PST/GST is...I'll pay it along as I don't get an outrageous bill every time I take myself or my family to the doctor.
NO! Because the medical professin has changed a lot.Often doctors don't know what your problem is but will continue to push pills,or they do know but won't cure you.They just keep pill pushing to get more money from your insurance company.I think people use to become doctors because they wanted to help people,but now it seems that they are only in it for the money,and prestige.They could care less about our health.I apologize to any docs here that are not in this bunch.I know there are still docs that honestly care.Just my opinion.No offense.
well they have to make a living to, however, I don't think it's right to pay thousands of dollars just for staying 1 night in the hospital! The goverment know we need it so they take advantage of us! That's another reason why they all drive brand new escalades and etc.
Yes. Why should it be free. I think it doesnt need to be so expensive and Doctors really dont need to be paid so much I mean really, They are not God as much as they think they are. A lot of them are terrible too. If health care was free who would fund it? TAX dollars. Thats us, the american public. So ultimatly nothing is free! Look at the socialist model. England is a good example. Not any better than what we get and actually some of my family that lives there comes to the USA to get surgeries. People need to pay so they appreciate what they are getting. We still get quality healthcare. That is th eonly thing this country has left. I would hate to have to go to India for a Doctor!
It would be nice if the government could cover more of the health care costs.
Quality healthcare is a privilege, not a right. In this country it is available to everyone, and is often taken for granted and abused by those who don't have to pay for it. Yes. Everyone should have to pay something for the quality healthcare provided in this country in the form of a co-pay for office visits, prescriptions, etc.
As a nurse who has worked in the civilian community and the military (where their healthcare is virtually free), I think people should have to pay at least something for their care. Otherwise, many will take it for granted. It was common to see people who would abuse the military system because it was free.making appointments or coming into the ER for a cold or to get some aspirin so they didn't have to pay for over the counter remedies. Also, when health care is free, people are more inclined to take their health for granted and not make any effort to take care of themselves. After all, why should they "inconvenience" themselves when if their unhealthy lifestyles leads to an illness, someone will just give them a magic, free pill and they can go back to their old habits.
Well, I don't know. Should people have to pay when they go out to eat, or to a movie, or to the grocery? Get real, get a job and pay your own way through life.


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