what are some early relapse symptoms that are seen in people who have depression!

I have all three.I don't want to be around anybody,get mad about stupid stuff.I say I am going to take a vacation and never come back.I stop opening up my blinds.I start crying watching tv shows.I yell at my kids then I ask them for a hug.there are many more signs,anybody that gets irritated easily.

Other Answers:
from experience bad and i mean bad mood swings real happy then in minutes changing to being one or all of the following crying depressed nasty or aggressive
very personal experience and being a nurse for many years

More information can be found on WWW.mdf.org.uk but this is a brief outline of the illness.

Bi-polar-Affective Disorder is a severe mental illness which causes severe mood swings outside the normal range.

At one end of the spectrum is hypomania/mania the symptoms of which are feeling very good, invincible, spending large amounts of money,which usually the person can't afford, not sleeping and not feeling tired, delusions, paranoia, loss of reality.

At the other end of the spectrum is severe depression with symptoms of staying in bed, not washing, feeling very low, feeling suicidal. A high number of people with Bi-Polar will actually try to commit suicide with some succeeding.

Characteristically this illness goes in cycles, going into a high which can start off feeling very pleasant but when it goes into full blown mania is frightening and can lead to huge amounts of debt, unemployment and destroy relationships and can result in a hospital admission, sometimes being sectioned under the Mental Health Act. This can last for days, weeks, or months and then the person crashes down into severe depression which can again last for days, weeks or months, this is then followed by a period of normality where the person can function as well as anyone else.

There are three types of treatment which people with this illness normally take a combination of:-

Moodstabilisers including Lithium and some anti-epileptic drugs.



It can take a person years to find a combination of drugs that suit them. Some people respond very well to drugs and can lead a normal life where other people for various reasons find it hard to find drugs that suit them, either because the drugs don't work very well for them or because they can't tolerate the side effects.

The illness is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and there is strong evidence to suggest that it may also be genetic.

This article was kindly supplied by Sue Toms (Morpheus) 3rd December 2003

ADDENDUM (Added by Nicky on 5th December after reading further posts on the subject.)

There is also a form of this illness which is known as a "mixed state", in which the sufferer is both 'high' and 'low' at the same time. In this state, there is the feeling that everything is going well, with euphoria and accompanied by lots of energy and very little sleep, but underlying it all is the compulsion to self-harm and even commit suicide. This state is very dangerous as people who feel suicidal also have the energy to do something about it.

Some people ONLY suffer from the Mixed State form of the illness, one episode running into another, and is the most difficult to treat. It is often triggered by stress.

What is it like to audibly hear voices? (This part added by Jade [Blonde Turquoise] 21st December 2003)

You cannot deal with the voices as a seperate entity from the rest of the illness. For example if someone suffers with flu we would not try and deal with it by trying to just get rid of the cough and then say "Great, sorted!" as it is just one of many symptoms. And it is the same with our head. It is hard to explain what hearing voices is like, but I will try!

Basically even though they are not real it is not the same as imagination, it is a clear distinct voice as if someone else was talking to us. Even though it is part of our brain going wrong and comes from our subconcious we have no control over it. It is just like when we talk to someone on the phone or someone in the room with us chatting. At the time we usually have no insight as to its source at all, which is why we could harm ourselves, or tell people we are hearing it.

When you look out the window, you see what ever view you have. Trees, flowers, houses maybe. That is a reality what you are seeing. When someone hears voices or sees things, it feels as real as that view even though it is not. Our senses percieve it in a very real way.

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Infomation from Christian Chronic Illness Support
Bipolar- Mood swings, uncontrollable. Anger,
For Bipolar and depression, alot of times a relapse can be hard to spot, especially if it is not the first one. many bipolar II and clincally depressed individuals will try to hide it, especially if they fear being hospitalized. If someone you know has a history of either of the 2 the person may try to withdrawl themselves form normal activity as not to be noticed
If you're bipolar you should be on/still be on your meds for starters. It's not something that will go away because it's with you for life kinda like diabetes. You can go into remission but that doesn't mean you're cured and you still need to take your meds. As far as relapses go, depression is pretty easy to pick out. The feeling of hopelessness, loss of energy and focus. If you are having a relapse with a manic phase it's a lot harder to recognize because being manic feels good and you're hardly going to seek help because you feel good. When you're manic your actions are going to be more risky than usual and your best bet is getting feedback from people that are close to you. In either state it's possible to feel heightened anxiety and paranoid thoughts as well as your moods being very sensitive.
That's a bit of what I've experienced over the years as someone who suffers from bipolar. Hope that helps.
That you are retreating from the world because it's too hard.

The moment you close yourself off, you start to create a fantasy world, the next thing you know is that your off il lala land.

Find friends do things that make you happy, the important thing is too keep touch with reality.

If you feel going off. look around and describe what you see.. i'im in a white room, sitting at a computer, i feel tired, there is a red lamp..
For Bipolar depends whether you are hading into a manic or a depressed phase:

For mania - increased speed of talking; irritability; lack of sleep; increasingly grandiose ideas

For depression - increased sleep, inability to get up; loss of appetite, interest in things etc


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