What is average strength?!

Question: I'm male, 6'1", so about how much should I be able to lift or whatever?
ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) has guidelines for muscular fitness. The "score" is based on the weight moved divided by your weight. For strength, the tests are the 1 rep max for Bench Press and Leg Press. For example, if you weighed 180lbs and could bench 200 once, then your score is 200/180 or 1.11. I'm going to guess you're under 30 and a male, so for 90th percentile (you are stronger than 90% of men your age) it would be 1.48, for 50% 1.06, and for bottom 10% .8. For Leg press, 90% is 2.27, 50% 1.91, and bottom 10% 1.51.


Other Answers:
I'm a female, 5'1" and i lift on average 80 lbs a minute, when I'm at work. but it depends on the strength of your knees and your lower back. you can be able to lift larger weight objects with practice. just remember be safe use your legs not your back
I'm male, 6'1", and I can't bench ****, or do more than 50 pushups, but I can out swim/run/bike/etc most people I know, sumply because i'm well-conditioned in endurance and can handle my body. Strength should be measured in how well you can handle yourself, not by comparing yourself to others.
strength isnt proportional to height. but i guess averege strength for men would be to be able to bench press a 100 pounds or well atleast 5 push-ups if you weigh less.


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