i am a 22 year old woman and having three children. I have breast problem?!

Question: my left breast did not growed will and its smaller the other one. how can i grow the smaller one equal to the other one?
please give me good advice.
Everyone has their own grievances.I too have one.Im tall and well built girl.But my re-pro organ is too small like 2 yo kid.Friends used to call me "baby" and spread the nickname to all.
Once I worried too much about that issue.I cant take sun bath.Coz everyone looks my crotch strangely.
Even I cant buy the panties which suits me firmly.
Some my buddies threatened me that I may die if I had sex.
At last I consult a doc.Before that I have to burn my hesitations.
You do the same thing. They are the experts to clear all doubts.Take care.

Other Answers:
You have not fed the three children you have from the smaller one. Why is it that all of sudden you want it to be utilised. Are you planning to feed the fourth from the smaller? Feed from the smaller, it will lactate and bulge and enlarge.
90% of women's breasts are uneven, as you describe.
The only way to fix it is surgery, which is not necessary!

Learn to live with it...Men also have a similar issue with their testicles being uneven. 99% of men have one that hangs lower than the other.

Don't worry about it!
it cant be done if you have 3 kids you are doing just fine with out them matching
I had a friend with the same problem, her answer was to have an imlpant in the smaller breast.It worked out great, her selfesteem is great now, and she never wears loose fitting clothes anymore, and is very happy. I wish you luck!
it is a normal thing for one breast to be smaller than the other.in islamic societies people dont discuss such things & soare not aware that it is a common occurrence.if you have a problem you can try hand massage especially when you are aroused( making love)--so that hormone levels are also brought into account
Now I get you dear sister..pls do not worry about that..Looks like you had some quick ones..( kids ) and you feed them night and day.Are your kids well fed. Ensure that with some lactogen1 & 2.
It's natural for one of the b**bs to be small. But very rare to have the left one small.
Also check out when you sleep whetehr your hubby sucks all the milk out . And he would say 'Honey I shrunk all your b**bs".


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