What can huffing gas do to u?!

Question: My friend just did it an hour ago and is now in a coma? Why? is she going to die?
Your friend could die. This is such a dangerous thing and I'm so sorry that she didn't know how dangerous it was. I will pray for you and your friend.

I put links to information about huffing and how dangerous it can be. Please tell all the other kids and/or send them this information.

I'm really sorry about your friend and I hope she will be okay.

Other Answers:
It depends on how much she huffed and how soon treatment was effected!

There is a chance of permanent brain damage, destruction of the heart, liver, and other organs, and even death.

I am stationed overseas and will say prayers for your friend!

"Sniffing glue, "huffing" gasoline, and "bagging" gasoline octane booster are just some of the creative methods kids are using to get a quick high. In a recent survey sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics, nearly 25 percent of 10- to 17-year-olds said their friends use inhalants. However, few teens realize that such drugs can cause permanent brain damage, destruction of the heart, liver, and other organs, and even death."
Call 911. Hurry
It will kill off brain cells. If your friend doesn't die, or have brain damage when she wakes up, she's very lucky.
i dont know huffing gas is
Ya it can kill you, it can make you brain dead, it can make your health condition crap, can cause you lung problems, and I'm not sure but I bet it could put you into a coma, but not sure on that last one.
It kills you ,heart failure brain dead
It can make you valedictorian of your class.
If you think huffing is the same as inhaling, it's already too late.
kills brain cells, just like smoking, and then u die cause u r stupid enough to do it
you can't go into a coma for huffing your flatulence.
it cuts off the oxygen to your brain, so much so that your brain believes you are drowning and shuts down (hence the coma). sounds like a lot of fun for a cheap, thirty second buzz, have fun?
most definitely
Kill your brain cells, mess up your lungs, actualy your entire respitory system and cirulatory system. It is a terrible thing! I hope your friend is ok, keep us posted!
She could, take your friend to a hospital, NOW.
It fill your head and lungs with bacteria that take a long time to clear up. Kidda like when you use a air freshener the scent take hours or days you clear out. Pray for your friend and tell not to be so stupid next time.
a very small dose wont do to much but it will kill your brain eventually. it is not a good thing to do. i kmow of a community that is going through death or severe mental permanent damage to kids for doing huffing. it can kill.but some have strong wills to live. but whos to say shell die or not from being in coma from it it is in god hands. and her willingness to fight and live. good luck.
Good question.
It kills brain cells.
Sounds pretty serious. You shouldn't be doing that.
Well she can but it all depends on why she's in the coma. Is it because of sniffing or did that just hit the trigger for something else. I hope all goes well for her though.
it can cause damage to the organs of the body.especially the brain. try farting in the hand and smelling it.


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